I’m not sure I have EVER met a truly enlightened person who hasn’t gone through some really deep shtuff – usually a number of times. What it feels like to me is I’m being poked, even goaded, to get the hell out of lower level mentation and cast off all dualism. Of course the challenges have to come in ways that I think I can’t handle, or how else could I be alerted? Now when a negative suggestion comes I say “thank you, I’ll dismiss you and the side trip I just took back into the dreaded darkness.” I’ve had some God-awful stuff to face but it’s all become part of my waking up. Love you!
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Something unexplainable happens -RAdams
“When you awaken something happens that is unexplainable. There are no human words to explain. When you awaken you just understand, not even understand, you know, you feel, and those words are inadequate, you become, divine harmony. You are no longer fooled by person, place and thing. You no longer react.
As an example, someone tells you, ‘Oh, you won the lotto, you won fifty-billion dollars.’ It’s okay. You do not become a slave to that. Someone tells you, ‘You lost fifty billion dollars,’ same thing, same reaction. You do not become a slave to that. What happens in the human life does not matter. When you know who you are you do not say it doesn’t matter. You simply exist. You exist as yourself. You’re at peace.
No one can ever take the peace away from you, no matter how hard they try. You’re not fooled by things. Rather, what you do is you give of yourself. You can give yourself because you become the living Self. Therefore you can give yourself away and you’re still there, for you’ve become the infinite Self, the divine mother, omnipresence, total oneness with all things. So you can give of yourself and yet you’re always there.”
~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)
All good always was -JSG
“All good — every form of life, every form of love, every form of truth, every form of substance, every activity and every law — is within our own being and was established there since “before Abraham.”
At the very moment of our co-existence with God, all that the Father has was established within our own being, everything: integrity, loyalty, fidelity, cooperativeness, joy peace, harmony, gratitude, every conceivable thing.
It includes all those things that constitute home, that constitute transportation, protection, safety, security, and freedom. All of those qualities and activities are established within our own being.”
Joel Goldsmith, “Showing Forth The Presence Of God,” Chapter 7, Section: “All Good Was Established In Our Consciousness In The Beginning.”
Don’t react to your body or feelings -RAdams
“Do not give your energy to this world. For the whole world is a cosmic joke … and it will suck your energy out, make you weak, make you start searching for remedies, solutions to your problems. You will go through life after life doing these things. The time is now, there is no other time but now. Now is the time to become totally free and liberated. Awaken, for you were never asleep! Awaken from the mortal dream. Let not another day go by where you react to people, places or things. Quit it! Stop it! Do not react to your own body, your own feelings. Quit it! Stop it! Understand who you really are.”
~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)
Absolutely nothing to worry about -RAdams
Absolutely nothing to worry about -RAdams
You have absolutely nothing to worry about. No matter how things may appear, all is well. There never was anything wrong, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong now.
You can only feel this when you understand your true nature, when you feel that you’re not the body-mind phenomena, you are not the doer. You are the imperishable Brahman, absolute reality, consciousness. This is your true nature. You cannot be both. You have to come into your own and realize your divinity, that you are pure intelligence, nirvana, sat-chit-ananda, ultimate oneness, or, you believe you’re a human being.
If you investigate, you will see that you cannot possibly be a human being.
Human being is just a name given to an entity, for we don’t know what else to call it. You’re always changing, changing, changing.
You’re not the same person you were ten, twenty years ago. When you go to sleep and you’re in deep sleep, you forget about yourself.
When you dream you forget about yourself. When you’re awake, like you are now, you forget about your dreams and your deep sleep.
Therefore I ask you, what is your true state? Are you the person who dreams? Are you the person who is in deep sleep? Are you the person who exists right now? Who are you? What are you?
You can only find out by investigation. You begin to see that your personal self is only a thought, an idea, a bad dream. You are not the person who is born, goes through the vicissitudes of life, dies, and that’s it. When I tell you you were never born, it sounds ludicrous. When I tell you you can never die, it sounds even worse. Yet if you
investigate and you trace it back, where did the first born come from? Who gave it birth? You can go into the story of creation. That will appease some people, but the thinking person knows it’s a story.
In a dream there is no story of creation. You begin to dream just where you are. It just appears. The dream comes out of you, becomes externalized. There’s a sky, there are stars, there are people. All sorts of things are happening.
You go through experiences in your dream. You are happy, you’re sad, you’re mad. But yet when you wake up, the dream is gone.
This life is called the mortal dream. You have to catch yourself when you take life too serious, and compare it with a dream. When you take your dream serious, and you become violently upset over something, and I try to explain to you, you’re dreaming, you will never believe me, because the dream world is very powerful at that time.
The doctor’s diagnosed cancer, you’ve got two months to live. But if I tell you “You’re dreaming. Do not put your energy on that. Rather turn within. See your reality. Understand that this is a dream,” will you chase me away? You do not want to accept that, because no one else believes it. Yet you wake up in the morning, and it was just a dream.
Think about the problems, the wonderful experiences, everything you’ve been through since you were born. It appears so real, doesn’t it? And even now you are a product of all your samskaras, all of your preconceived ideas, your concepts, and how you were brought up and trained. This is your life. You do not know any other life but this.
Yet every person seems to come from a different upbringing. Every person has their own beliefs, their own ideas, what’s right, what’s wrong, what is good, what is bad.
That’s how wars start. That’s how man’s inhumanity to man begins, when you believe I’m right and you’re wrong,
when you begin to see things that are not right and you want to correct them. No one has ever told us, instead of doing that, dive within yourself and see perfection.
See the atman. See unlimited bliss.
Begin to dwell on the reality,
and soon your world will become reality.
~ The Collected Works of Robert Adams Volume 1, Silence, the Spiritual Center
What is, is God -RAdams
A devotee of Ramana Maharshi, who had been with him about twenty five years, had a son that died, and he was grief-stricken. So he begged to have an audience with Ramana. Now Ramana rests from twelve to two. He agreed to see his devotee. When the devotee entered the hall, Ramana was reclining on his couch with his eyes closed, and he started to cry and tell him all his troubles, how much he loved his son. And then he asked Ramana, “What is God?”
Ramana didn’t answer. He kept still for about fifteen minutes. Then he opened his eyes and he said very softly,
“What is, is God.”
What is, is God. It’s like when someone asks the question, “Is the world real?” The world, by itself, is an illusion, but God, as the world, is real. As we progress we find there never was a God, so there never was a world. But for the sake of talking, because God is, the universe is. Everything, from the lowliest microbe to the fullest galaxy, is God in expression.
Everything is God. Every leaf, every piece of clay, every star, every planet has no basis for its existence, by itself.
Because God is, everything else is.
That’s what Ramana meant when he answered, “What is, is God.” He was trying to explain to the devotee, “Your son
dying, that is God. Your son living, that is God. There’s no real difference. Only in your mind.”
We differentiate only in the mind. If the mind were made quiescent, quiet, there would be no differentiation between
death and life. We make the differentiation because we think. It’s a mental concept that someone dies, and that’s bad, but someone lives and that’s good. There’s no such differentiation. There is only God, and everything that exists, everything, is God. There can be nothing apart from God.
But then I say that God doesn’t exist, except in your mind. That is the reason that, in reality, no thing exists.
Do you follow that?
As long as you think, there will be existence, person, place and thing, but when you stop thinking there’s no room for existence because there cannot be the silence and existence. Everything that appears to be opposes the silence.
The silence is consciousness, absolute reality, sat-chit-ananda.
The self exists as itself, yet when you begin to modify it you say, “Well, God exists.” God is the first modification of consciousness, and it’s God’s job to create the world, and then to dissolve the world, and then to create the world.
Who gave God that job?
Henry? Henry didn’t do it. Who did?
Why would God want to create worlds, universes, and then dissolve them, and after a period of time bring them back into existence?
Yet this is what we read about in all the scriptures. This information is for the ajnani, for the man steeped in ignorance. You have to explain to this man how the world became existent, or he will not be satisfied. You therefore go into all the modifications. There is the self and the self is consciousness. Consciousness modifies itself, and you have God. God modifies itself, and you have existence.
Ramana realized that if he explained this to the devotee, the devotee wouldn’t understand. If he told the devotee that only the self exists, and your son didn’t die because he was never born, it would be too much for the devotee to comprehend. Therefore, instead, he said God is. What is, is God. It made the devotee feel better, for he realized that his son was in God’s hands, and all is well.
But yet, if we have a questioning mind, we question, “Where did God come from?” and “Why does God appear as all these things?
What is its purpose?”
Most of us know there is no purpose. No thing exists the way it appears. Your real nature is pure awareness. Pure awareness is the universal. There is no place for anything else. In other words,
you cannot have existence as it appears and pure awareness. Otherwise you would have diversification, as the appearance shows you. There’s a beautiful tree, there’s a sky, there are flowers, there are animals, there are insects. If pure awareness, or the self, is self-contained, how could there be anything else? Where would the room come from?
It’s just like space. When you have a room filled with furniture, what happens to the space it takes up? And then you take the furniture out of the room. Has the space changed? Nothing has happened to the space. The space is the same whether the room is filled with furniture, or not. And so it is with reality. Reality exists. The self exists as the self.
But it appears as if there are things in the universe, as if there is a universe. There are people, there are animals, there are planets, there’s the vegetable kingdom, the mineral kingdom. All this appears real. You therefore have to ask the question,
“To whom does this appear?
Who sees this?”
You know by now it’s the I.
The I is the culprit. If it weren’t for the I there would be no universe, there would be no God, there would be no creation.
The Collected Works of
Robert Adams, Volume 1, What is, is God
May 30, 1991
Open field of consciousness -RSpira
Dastardly things of world continue -RAdams
“As you begin to let your thoughts alone, not to pay any attention to them, not to be attached to them, you’ll notice something very interesting happening to you. You’ll begin to notice that you’re becoming very peaceful, very calm. You become happy for no reason whatsoever.
All of these dastardly things are still going on in this world, man’s inhumanity to man, you have your own so-called problems. Yet you become happy, you become peaceful, you become blissful. This comes all by itself, because your thoughts have slowed down. …
Ignore the thoughts completely, totally, absolutely. Again, do not fight your thoughts. Ignoring your thoughts is not fighting your thoughts. Do not try to change your thoughts. Above all do not try to stop your thoughts. Just do not be attached to them, and ignore them.”
~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)
Videos of -JSG
Truth invading human consciousness!!
Our goal isn’t attaining happiness, peace, etc. but attaining that which brings it about: conscious union with Christ, Spirit, Buddha, Immanuel, Omnipresence.
Father, grace, servant 20th cent. speech -JSG
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Here I am, Father, listening for Your voice. My inner ears are open. I have no requests, no demands, no hopes, no ambitions. I do not ask You to do anything You are not already doing. I await Your word of grace. I am the servant of the most High.
~ Joel Goldsmith