Monthly Archives: May 2020

World cannot prove anything -RAdams


“The secret is to investigate yourself within yourself. The external world can never prove anything to you. The external world is a world of effects, a world of illusion, a dream, maya, leela, a play. Do not stake your claim in the world. And let’s say that you even have good karma so-to-speak, like they say, and things are relatively fine in your life. You think you’ve got what you want.

You’ve got a great job, you’re making a lot of money, you’re living with someone you love, you’ve got a great house, you live in a place where the temperature is always 78 degrees, and you’re relatively happy. But, according to the so-called laws of the universe, that has to change, simply because the universe is in a state of flux. Everything must change.

If you have not found yourself in this life, and you simply die like the average person, you are going to have continue and experience the opposite of what you have been experiencing. This is the reason you should not just become apathetic to spiritual life because things are going your way, and say like some people say, ‘Oh, spiritual life is just for people who have problems.’ Be careful.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Personal equipping -rjs

I do not belong to myself Anymore.
It’s over with all that!
Been so for many years now
despite any seeming.
Many, many years ago
After years and years of joyful serving,
I said, “What, now, Lord?”
He paused for 3 or 4 long seconds
And said,
“How about we get you a Ph.D.?”
What? Me? Why? In what? Where? When? How? Me???
“Some people, like you,
Have been so badly beaten down
For so long, by so many
And yet they persist in staying alive
They need to be heard.
That’s why.”
Said God.
To me.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

Quickest way to permanent happiness -RAdams


“You’re always doing something but why are you doing these things? Why does a thief become a thief? Why does a person rob a bank? … The answer of course is everyone is looking for happiness. Everyone wants happiness and this is their way of showing they want happiness. A thief believes if he steals something from you this will make him happy because he’ll have something he never had before. Everything you do in life is to achieve happiness. Ponder this. In retrospect go over your life and see if I’m not saying the truth.

Whatever you’re doing in life you’re doing it because you want some happiness. Even though you think you’re helping somebody else or you’re helping somebody, deep down inside of yourself you really want to be happy. So whatever you’re doing you’re doing it for your own happiness. But what if I told you that real happiness is within yourself? Unalloyed happiness is within you. Pure happiness, eternal happiness, forever happiness, is within you. It is your true nature, it is your real nature. If you can just touch this happiness you will never depend on the world again for anything.

For this happiness I’m referring to is sat-chit-nanda [existence-consciousness-bliss], the absolute reality, the pure awareness. This happiness is so beautiful, so blissful that you will never react to person place or thing again for any reason whatsoever. For you will be fulfilled. Filled with joy, harmony, love. When a person discovers this, this person is very fortunate. To discover they have within themselves the storehouse of happiness. To discover there is eternal happiness within. Even if you discover it intellectually at first by reading about it, listening to me talk about it. For when you know [this], you have a mission—a search—to unfold this happiness within you and become free.

Now how do you do this? The truth about this is you just discover that you are happiness. You may hear my words or read a book or read it somewhere else and you’ll awaken to it. You’ll awaken to it by making the mind still and quiet. By not having any conflict with your mental thoughts. You then discover a great peace, a fountain of joy inside of you that you never really knew existed before. This is the beginning of wisdom. When you begin to feel and think [that] person, place and thing in this world can never bring me true happiness.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

Treatment on Substance -VS

“Now we come to the word “activity.” There is just one Activity, and It is spiritual and invisible. All outer manifestations of activity stem from the Activity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is the Activity that holds the earth in its orbit, and holds all of the planets in divine order. This is the only Activity there is and no human thinking could ever disturb It.

Can we disturb or change the activity and rhythm of the tides? There is no power that we can use because God is all activity, Omni-active.

In truth, there is no over-action, inaction, or diseased action. This I that I am is Omni-active. If we hold to this truth, we are able to rest from taking anxious thought and we rest in action. “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”

Virginia Stephenson, 1991 Asilomar Class, September 2012 Monthly Lesson, “Specific Treatment on Substance, Law, Cause, and Activity,” Recording # 9107-2 on Aloha Mystic’s website.

Unmanifest Self => I am free! Bhagavad Gita

“The Self cannot be pierced by weapons or burned by fire; water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it. The Self cannot be pierced or burned, made wet or dry. It is everlasting and infinite, standing on the motionless foundations of eternity. The Self is unmanifested, beyond all thought, beyond all change.”

~ Bhagavad Gita

Happiness = existence-consciousness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda)


“You’re always doing something but why are you doing these things? Why does a thief become a thief? Why does a person rob a bank? … The answer of course is everyone is looking for happiness. Everyone wants happiness and this is their way of showing they want happiness. A thief believes if he steals something from you this will make him happy because he’ll have something he never had before. Everything you do in life is to achieve happiness. Ponder this. In retrospect go over your life and see if I’m not saying the truth.

Whatever you’re doing in life you’re doing it because you want some happiness. Even though you think you’re helping somebody else or you’re helping somebody, deep down inside of yourself you really want to be happy. So whatever you’re doing you’re doing it for your own happiness. But what if I told you that real happiness is within yourself? Unalloyed happiness is within you. Pure happiness, eternal happiness, forever happiness, is within you. It is your true nature, it is your real nature. If you can just touch this happiness you will never depend on the world again for anything.

For this happiness I’m referring to is sat-chit-nanda [existence-consciousness-bliss], the absolute reality, the pure awareness. This happiness is so beautiful, so blissful that you will never react to person place or thing again for any reason whatsoever. For you will be fulfilled. Filled with joy, harmony, love. When a person discovers this, this person is very fortunate. To discover they have within themselves the storehouse of happiness. To discover there is eternal happiness within. Even if you discover it intellectually at first by reading about it, listening to me talk about it. For when you know [this], you have a mission—a search—to unfold this happiness within you and become free.

Now how do you do this? The truth about this is you just discover that you are happiness. You may hear my words or read a book or read it somewhere else and you’ll awaken to it. You’ll awaken to it by making the mind still and quiet. By not having any conflict with your mental thoughts. You then discover a great peace, a fountain of joy inside of you that you never really knew existed before. This is the beginning of wisdom. When you begin to feel and think [that] person, place and thing in this world can never bring me true happiness.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

You’re not needed! -RAdams


“You believe you’re a human being. You believe you have to solve problems, take action of some kind [because] unless you do it nobody else will do it. But I tell you nobody has to do anything. What has to be done will be done without you. You’re not needed. Nobody wants you. Nobody needs you. Give up. This is a very important to understand. It is only when you feel this way, when you give up, that the truth comes out.

As long as you feel you’re somebody—you’re filled with good thoughts, bad thoughts, preconceived ideas, dogmas—you can never surrender, you can never give up. But … you begin to see [that] things that are happening in your life do not really matter because things will always work themselves out, for you live in a universe that loves you.

You live in a universe of pure joy. You can only see this when you stop identifying with things. When you no longer take concern over what you should eat, what you should wear, where you should go, then something strange happens. The power that knows the way. That grows the mangoes on the mango trees, the papayas, apples, pears, grows wheat. The power that gives you sunshine. Enough sunshine to maintain and sustain this whole universe in order to be life here.

When you surrender to this power, it will take care of you. This is something you all have to understand. There is a power that loves us. You may call this God, divine intelligence, makes no difference what you call it but it’s a power that loves you and will take care of you and will enlighten you and delight you.

Your job is to surrender to it totally, absolutely. To let go of your personal ambitions, to let go of trying to become something, to let go of all the earthly things so-to-speak. It is only then will this power that knows the way will come to your aid and lift you up in the stream of blessedness that you won’t know what hit you. You’ll be blissed out.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)

World isn’t turning your way?


“I know there are some of you who believe, ‘Well I must have committed some great sins in the past, perhaps in previous lives, because I’m sure suffering now.’ Are you really suffering? Is there such a thing? Think about that. The only reason you think you are suffering is because the world is not turning the way that you want it to. Isn’t that true?

You think you should be this instead of that, you should live here instead of there, you should have this instead of that, and that’s what causes you to suffer. But when you become one-pointed, and focus your attention on your Self—with a capital S—it is virtually impossible to suffer because suffering doesn’t exist.”

~ Robert Adams (20th century American Advaita mystic)