“I AM” is the only possible foundation for world peace. (It’s the only thing we can all agree on.) rjs
Videos: Absolute truth,
“I AM” is the only possible foundation for world peace. (It’s the only thing we can all agree on.) rjs
Now, you can spend an hour, just “being still,” without trying to think of a thing, and you will find that a great refreshment comes out of it.
So many of us try to spend that Silence thinking, pushing those words back and forth,
hoping that the words are going to open some doors. That’s not being still.
Who’s doing the thinking that you think you’re thinking? The serpent-mind. You’re playing right into the trap.
Being still means BEING STILL, free of the
thinking mind. That’s how you drive the wedge between the thinking mind and its false creation. And in that wedge comes through the Infinite Sea of Spirit, with REALITY.
Even to spend time in Silence, with no purpose other than to just BE refreshed, is a great liberating activity. You accomplish more by this kind of Silence than by all of the great thoughts that you may cram into your mind.
The Father does all the thinking. There’s nothing for you to think. Simply rest in
the knowledge that I, Here, is God, and I is the God that is God Everywhere. The God Everywhere is the God Here.
Just lie back on this Infinite Sea of Spirit, relaxed, abiding in I. That will break the chains of mortality, materialism, material conditions, mental conditions, emotional conditions.
The acceptance of I Here, There, and Everywhere. Only the 100% Divine Life IS. Let
all the cluttering serpent thoughts dissolve into that knowledge.
Herb Fitch – Beyond Words and Thoughts – 100% of God Everywhere
The words we speak are not power. Nor are the thoughts we think. But, if we sit in a complete quiet in the thundering Silence and keep our “mind stayed on Thee,” eventually we arrive at a place where thoughts do not come any more and — in a few moments — we begin to feel this inner peace that is known as realization.
Joel S Goldsmith
The Thunder of Silence
Chapter 14: When Ye Pray
What must we do to keep ourselves free of these suggestions, so that we can live above them? First, we must live on a higher plane of consciousness. So far as possible, we must train ourselves mentally to know that anything that exists in the realm of effect is not cause, is not creative, and has no power over us.
This brings up the important metaphysical point that I am the law, I am Truth, I am Life eternal. Since I am infinite consciousness, since I am the law, then nothing in the external can act upon me and be a law unto me. There is nothing from which we can ever suffer but the acceptance of illusion as Reality.
These things called sin and disease are not what we are suffering from, they are the forms the one error assumes. Regardless of the name you use, they are hypnotism, suggestion, illusion, appearing as person, place or thing—appearing as sin, disease, lack and limitation.
We must not live as though we were effect with something operating upon us. Let us remember to live as the law, as the Principle of our being.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Collected Essays, page 6
Have you ever read Walter C Lanyon, Robin? He is one of my favourites! Here is a beloved passage: ‘Thou art the Bright Messenger – the Shining One, the being of pure Spirit. Thou art not the man thou hast been, lo these many years. Thou art new – born, fresh, clean, and pure. Thou art not an old creature patched up by various treatments. Thou, Bright Messenger, Golden One, hast never descended to the level of belief, and therefore hast not consorted with the shadows of the play – life. Thou art the Bright Messenger, with winged feet, who goeth where he will, and knoweth no obstruction, nor condition. Thou art the unconditioned, the untrammeled, the free – the individualized yet inseparable manifestation of the All God. Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thou art full of light – bathed in All Light. Whithersoever thou goest is light – not consciously projected, but unconsciously conveyed; a natural effect of thy presence. Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thine eye is single to the Allness of God, the Oneness of creation. Thou therefore seest with the eye of light. Thou lookest into a universe of All Light, and seest through the shadows of belief. Thou seest the world in a world, the rose in a rose, and the Man in a man. Thou perceivest with thine eye of Light that which IS and always has been – not that which shall be changed by begging, beseeching, or praying to a tyrant called God to make whole. With the eye of Light thou seest nothing to heal, for thy sight is perfect in the understanding: ” I AM of too pure eyes to behold iniquity. ” Thou art the Bright Messenger – the being of light. In the touch of thy hand is light. As the warmth of Spring touches the frozen earth, so thy touch of light causes the seed to swell and burst and the flower to leap from her chalice. Thy touch of light is like the soft rain on the parched desert, which causes it to bloom as a rose. Whomsoever thou touchest – in the true sense of the word – thou transformest, instantly, gloriously, freely, joyously.’
Walter C Lanyon
Thanks to Rowland Blythe
You are nothing. You may have your name and title, your property and bank account, you may have power and be famous; but in spite of all these safeguards, you are as nothing. You may be totally unaware of this emptiness, this nothingness, or you may simply not want to be aware of it; but it is there, do what you will to avoid it.
You may try to escape from it in devious ways, through personal or collective violence, through individual or collective worship, through knowledge or amusement; but whether you are asleep or awake, it is always there. You can come upon your relationship to this nothingness and its fear only by being choicelessly aware of the escapes. You are not related to it as a separate, individual entity; you are not the observer watching it; without you, the thinker, the observer, it is not. You and nothingness are one; you and nothingness are a joint phenomenon, not two separate processes.
If you, the thinker, are afraid of it and approach it as something contrary and opposed to you, then any action you may take towards it must inevitably lead to illusion and so to further conflict and misery. When there is the discovery, the experiencing of that nothingness as you, then fear -which exists only when the thinker is separate from his thoughts and so tries to establish a relationship with them- completely drops away.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
‘You and nothingness are one’
“Since we are the living Soul, we stand behind the mind, and if there is a time when we try but cannot meditate, we can gently address our mental state from this altitude of “I and my Father are one.” We can say, “My Peace give I unto you, my mind. Receive God’s grace. My Peace give I unto you, my mind.”
We do this just as we would reassure a little puppy dog, “Peace, peace, lie down, rest, nothing will harm you be at peace.” Then the mind settles down: “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,” now are we children of God and the Kingdom of God is within us. We need not fight; we need not struggle, but just be at peace.
Finally, we see that like the little puppy, the mind finally gets the message, becomes quiet and then there is that stillness. When this occurs, we know we have exercised our God-given dominion over our thoughts and our mentality, and our soul is at rest.”
Virginia Stephenson
1993 Maui Class
June 2013 Monthly Lesson
“Infinite Being”
Recording #9303
Aloha Mystic’s website.
Here’s a good deal for you:
You wish you could spiritually log in more hours of full on meditation, right? (If not, you should have. LOL)
Here’s the deal: count every minute that you’re NOT listening to the human mind as quality meditation!
I’m serious.
I need to remember to keep valuing all that has unfolded for me and has been working for me so well. New illumination has come and that is so wonderful because I can understand better what was in play for all those years. I can grow further from the new revelation that I’m receiving now even regarding what I had been using back then. The main point in this diatribe is to say that it did work and it does work and there’s no need to judge the past methodology as if it were wrong when it’s the very thing that brought me to where I am.
For instance I would talk to God about my problems and he would listen with such tender affection and give me just the guidance that I needed. As a child and a young adult I needed all the guidance I could get from such a reliable source.
If you would only dispense
For about two minutes
With the notion that your
Or Your Country’s wisdom
Is superior to all other wisdom
Throughout all eternity …
Oh, if you’d only hear the
Ancient oracles, you’d know
You’re facing catastrophe
As it were a comic book.
Life’s for succulent,
Albeit succinct
Pleasures –
Nice and tidy
Till Nevermore comes!
What if instead you had trained
Up your spiritual listening muscles
And other avenues of reception
To hear the instructions
Aimed at You?
But, oh no, everybody loves you,
Your wit, your charm, your nothing!
When you realize at last:
Oh no! Life wasn’t that!