Monthly Archives: January 2020
Rupert Spira – 3 Suffering & Pain
Go directly towards the feelings. Open yourself completely.
Opposite direction – away from feelings. Explore the “I”.
Language clarification: regard the context. Suffering? Yes and No!
Investigate the “I” who suffers.
“The problem (so many [have,] believers included) is trying to figure things out with the mind, trying to see what the mind cannot see (aka Religion).
We don’t want to let go, we want to add to our false sense of self.
This pattern, found in religious doctrine, only leaves you confused and empty.”
Frank Johnson
“Ultimately, there are no mistakes. There are only temporary learning situations. It’s all taken you to this moment of presence and so it worked. If you look at your own suffering, you can see that it has its place and it has had its place. It has deepened you. You probably wouldn’t be here without it. You would be watching TV or something like that. So you can see that it has produced the deepening or it will produce the deepening in every life form.”
Eckhart Tolle, Freedom from the world (2004 lecture)

Rupert Spira videos – 2
Substitute your favorite synonym for God: Spirit, Truth, Nirvana, Life, Omnipresence, ALL, Oneness, Brahman, Tao, Love, Principle, Buddha, Consciousness, Soul, Omnipotence, Mind, I, Christ, Allness, I-Spirit, I-Christ, I-Awareness.
Everything God has, I have.
Everything God knows, I know.
Everything God feels, I feel.
Everything God sees, I see.
Everything God hears, I hear.
Everything God loves, I love.
Everything God speaks, I speak.
Everything God has NOT, I have NOT.
Everything God knows NOT, I know NOT.
Everything God feels NOT, I feel NOT.
Everything God sees NOT, I see NOT.
Everything God hears NOT, I hear NOT.
Everything God loves NOT, I love NOT.
Everything God speaks NOT, I speak NOT.
Everything God has, I have.
Everything God knows, I know.
Everything God feels, I feel.
Everything God sees, I see.
Everything God hears, I hear.
Everything God loves, I love.
Everything God speaks, I speak.
Everything … means … everything!
I Am.
Primordial Emptiness
The Primordial Emptiness
One day you will let go of attachment to the belief in a separate self and return to your primordial emptiness. This emptiness is empty of only one thing: conditioned mental illusion and all the suffering that goes along with it. It is the source of all you perceive and are. Nothing has ever been apart from it, even your illusions.
And when you do let go of this dream, you will experience peace, bliss, and love beyond anything your mind can ever imagine.
Reincarnation vs Immortality JK
Question: Do you believe in reincarnation? Is it a fact? Can you give us proofs from your personal experience?
KRISHNAMURTI: The idea of reincarnation is as old as the hills—the idea that man, through many rebirths, going through innumerable experiences, will come at last to perfection, to truth, to God. Now what is it that is reborn, what is it that continues? To me, that thing which is supposed to continue is nothing but a series of layers of memory, of certain qualities, certain incomplete actions which have been conditioned, hindered by fear born of self-protection. Now, that incomplete consciousness is what we call the ego, the ‘I’. As I explained at the beginning in my brief introductory talk, individuality is the accumulation of the results of various actions which have been impeded, hindered by certain inherited and acquired values, limitations. I hope I am not making it very complicated and philosophical, I will try to make it simple.
When you talk of the ‘I’, you mean by that a name, a form, certain ideas, certain prejudices, certain class distinctions, qualities, religious prejudices, and so on, which have been developed through the desire for self-protection, security, comfort. So, to me, the ‘I’, based on an illusion, has no reality. Therefore the question is not whether there is reincarnation, whether there is a possibility of future growth, but whether the mind and heart can free themselves from this limitation of the ‴he ۮ o؉’, the ‘mine’.
You ask me whether I believe in reincarnation or not because you hope that through my assurance you can postpone understanding and action in the present, and that you will eventually come to realize the ecstasy of life or immortality. You want to know whether, being forced to live in a conditioned environment with limited opportunities, you will through this misery and conflict ever come to realize that ecstasy of life, immortality. As it is getting late I have to put it briefly, and I hope you will think it over.
Now, I say there is immortality, to me it is a personal experience; but it can be realized only when the mind is not looking to a future in which it shall live more perfectly, more completely, more richly. Immortality is the infinite present. To understand the present with its full, rich significance, mind must free itself from the habit of self-protective acquisition; when it is utterly naked, then only is there immortality.
The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti – Volume II 1934-1935: What Is Right Action?
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Ego can’t be sacrificed: it doesn’t exist
Question : “Osho,
How to sacrifice the ego?”
Osho : “It is impossible. The ego cannot be sacrificed because the ego exists not. The ego is just all idea: it has no substance in it. It is not something – it is just pure nothing. You give it reality by believing in it. You can withdraw belief and the reality disappears, evaporates.
The ego is a kind of absence. Because you don’t know yourself, hence the ego. The moment you know yourself, no ego is found. The ego is like darkness; darkness has no positive existence of its own; it is simply the absence of light. You cannot fight with darkness, or can you? You cannot throw darkness out of the room; you cannot take it out, you cannot take it in. You cannot do anything with darkness directly. If you want to do anything with darkness, you will have to do something with light. If you put the light on, there is no darkness; if you put the light off, there is darkness.
Darkness is only the absence of light, so is ego: absence of self-knowledge. You cannot sacrifice it.
It has been told to you again and again: “Sacrifice your ego” – and the statement is patently absurd, because something that does not exist cannot be sacrificed. And if you try to sacrifice it, something which is not there in the first place at all, you will be creating a new ego – the ego of the humble, the ego of the egoless, the ego of the person who thinks he has sacrificed his ego. It will be a new kind of darkness again.
No, I don’t say to you sacrifice the ego. On the contrary, I say try to see where the ego is. Look deep into it; try to locate it, where it exists, whether it exists at all or not. Before one can sacrifice anything one must be certain about its existence.
But don’t be against it from the very beginning. If you are against it, you cannot look deep into it. There is no need to be against anything. The ego is your experience – maybe it is just apparent, but it is still your experience. Your whole life moves around the phenomenon of the ego. It may be a dream, but to you it is so true.
There is no need to be against it. Dive deep into it, go into it. Going into it means bringing awareness into your house, bringing light into darkness. Be alert, watchful. Watch the ways of the ego, how it functions, how it manages at all. And you will be surprised: the deeper you go into it, the less it is found. And when you have penetrated to the very core of your being, you will find something totally different which is not ego, which is egolessness. It is self, supreme self – it is godliness. You have disappeared as a separate entity; you are no more an island. Now you are part of the whole.”
Osho, The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty, Talk #12
Don’t focus on the pain. FJ
“The problem (so many [have,] believers included) is trying to figure things out with the mind, trying to see what the mind cannot see (aka Religion).
We don’t want to let go, we want to add to our false sense of self.
This pattern, found in religious doctrine, only leaves you confused and empty.”
Frank Johnson
Never pit sympathy against outer focus
My heart yearns to be correctly understood on this one. I utterly, completely, totally, hands down support giving all the love, care, compassion and even empathy that a suffering person could possibly hope for. It’s entirely possible that healing will be the result.
There is ALSO a possible step BEYOND that where all concerned look AWAY from the unyielding problem and into the light of pure Spirit.
These two approaches should never be pitted against each other, imho.
Dissolve self / FAMOUS

Afraid to die
“The question ‘Who am I?’ is not really meant to get an answer, the question ‘Who am I?’ is meant to dissolve the questioner.”
Ramana Maharshi