Monthly Archives: December 2019

Can’t stop posting!

N O P E !! . S O R R Y !!

No can do! I cannot stop posting spiritual thoughts of non-religious encouragement. Way too many people are telling me they’re beyond inspired! I’m seeing new names too – everyday – of people whose very life received such an impetus; so no, discontinuing won’t be happening anytime soon!

With all my love,

In the work

T H I S . M I G H T . S E E M . D O W N R I G H T . C R A Z Y

This might seem downright crazy to you
But this particular lover of God (me)
Is actually, literally, glad about the stuff
She doesn’t have, that would distract her.

Being ‘in the work’ is not an easy road:
The world mind doesn’t relish extinction.
But even that thought just makes me laugh
Coz that which never was ain’t goin’ nowhere!

I don’t want anything bestowed upon me
That would take my single eye off my work!
Oh, what a crazy misnomer is “work”
Coz I, for one, – hands down – love it so!!!


Flesh mind gets scared

” I N . T H E . W O R K “

When you’re ‘in the work’
(completely committed) as we are,
the flesh mind starts getting scared:
its days are nearly over!

If we turn on this false ‘mind’ immediately
with protestations of glorious Truth
again and again and again and again,
it will quit, and major victory is ours!

Then we can just repeat
what we’ve already proven
… every day … forever!


Need strong foundation

Y O U . M A Y . B E . L A C K I N G
A . S T R O N G . F O U N D A T I O N

If you’re not happy with your growth Spirit-ward, you may need a stronger foundation. The modern trend these days is to be entirely on your own, attempting with various degrees of success to hear and follow an inner guide. Whenever what appears to be a good idea hits, the seeker is off to compare it with everybody else’s input.

Isn’t it starting to seem a little suspect by now? A person with little or no background in healing and regeneration finds themself acting as guide to countless unsuspecting admirers who are then led hopelessly astray. It could take them years and years to find their way back.

Tossing around the latest ‘enlightened’ expressions, not only never having lived them, but worse yet, not realizing they have never lived them, coddling a blithe assumption of knowingness actually falls under the rubric of mental malpractice. The damage can be very great.

Yes, by all means discover the Spirit within you and trust it above all else. But if IT tells you that you need a firm foundation … well, if I were you I’d listen. A smattering of this and a smattering of that does not a foundation lay!


L I G H T . T O . E N D . O U R . E V I L . D R E A M S

“Father, forgiveness is the light You chose to shine away all conflict and all doubt, and light the way for our return to You. No light but this can end our evil dreams. No light but this can save the world. For this alone will never fail in anything, being Your gift to Your beloved Son.”
Lesson 333

This quote shared to me by Grant Barlow, is the perfect answer to a long-standing need of mine. I am beyond grateful! 🥰


Make blues an opportunity

F E E L I N G . B L U E ?

Ask yourself this: how many people on the planet have the ability you have – to turn a blue day into a major spiritual unfoldment? How many can appeal to the realm of the real, dismiss the illusion, and say “I’m ready for more, Spirit!”?

Now, mind you, we’re not reveling in having something others don’t. Quite the contrary, we’re shouting from the rooftops that everyone’s got everything: they simply have to real-ize it!

This world, this dying world, is simply not where it’s at! But we’re eternal. That glorious fact serves us precious little if we don’t know it!

We need to know it intimately. A blue day is a shining opportunity. With absolutely zero analysis of the claim, simply reverse it and answer some compelling questions: Why is it that you are entirely exempt from the blues? Why do you say I can utterly dismiss any thought, feeling or belief I may have that doesn’t emanate from Spirit, God? What do you mean you have a spiritual body?

Answer the above questions zealously and with finality and then tell me what color day you’re having.

And, by the way, congrats!


Asking for help

S O M E O N E . A S K I N G . F O R . H E L P ?

If anyone asks you for healing, tell them you need NO DETAILS WHATSOEVER ! As a matter of fact you don’t even need or want to know the name of the malady.

Then go into your SPIRITUAL BODY and stay there! No disease or other distress can penetrate one’s spiritual body which is where you – and now your friend – dwell.

Nothing evil can receive admission into the kingdom of God: not sickness, loss, poverty nor death itself! Your own spiritual body, being Spirit itself, precludes the slightest hint of it.

It behooves us, as bonafide seekers of Truth, to fully transition to our spiritual bodies through commitment to it, where all healings and miracles reside. The bottom line is that we’re never truly in (aware of) Spirit unless we’re in our spiritual body (it usually takes a minimum of one year) and that’s the only place to be when a friend in need comes to call!


Spiritual body: Rumi & Robin & hf

I Am Spirit. I have a spiritual body. In my spiritual body I can only see absolute perfection. Nothing unlike Divine Love touches me or anyone I see with my single eye. I fill all space because I Am instead of space. I’m remembering my spiritual body stretching out beyond the illusion of time. In my spiritual body everyone is healed, happy, whole and gloriously free, as I Am. What safety, what comradery, what pleasure, what love-for-all resides within my spiritual body!

“My Spiritual Body is the only body I have. It can never be sick, it can never age, it can never die. It was never born. It is a continuous expression of the Father. I am always that Spiritual Body. There is no physical power in this entire universe to prevent my being that Spiritual Body unto eternity. I am Divine Existence. Wherever the human mind sees human existence, it is looking only at its own concept, which it has placed higher than the Word of the Father. That hypnosis I am learning to break. The Father’s Word is my authority, not my concepts. Now we’re accepting the Father’s authority, the Father’s Will in us, which says, “Be ye perfect7, All that I have is thine,”8 My Divine Selfhood is thine, My Divine Life is thine, My Divine Body is thine, My Divine Thoughts are thine. All that I am, thou art.”
~ Herb Fitch

L E T ‘ S . R E – E X A M I N E . O U R . G O A L

People of a pseudo-psychological leaning tend to judge our best goal(s) in life to be what they deem obvious. If our goal, however, has precious little to do with a so-called healthy, happy, inscrutably ‘wise’ humanly human, maybe we need to unfollow our learned counterparts!

Let’s throw off our obsession with humanity’s baubles and flirtations and ponder life’s most urgent question: how are we demonstrating our eternal life now? Are we even aware of it. For the majority of inhabitants of this planet the prognosis is not good.

Disease and death are unknown in Spirit, God. What good is this knowledge if we don’t intimately realize it? If we’re oblivious of Life which is God, how in the world do we think we can experience it? What’s there to break the illusion of life in a dying body? You certainly don’t think death can be a great enlightener, do you?

At the risk of being repetitive, the only way to awareness is to wake up! Be hands-down willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Or, go back to sleep and we’ll talk again after a few hundred more years!


Finally found your path

W H E N . Y O U ‘ V E . F I N A L L Y . F O U N D . Y O U R . P A T H

You’ve kept your eyes so far open for so long you thought they would burst, right? You’ve kept reading and reading and reading and listening and listening and listening and you finally say “I found my way, why do I have to keep searching for it?”

Are you sure you found exactly the right method, means and motive for your final search into the finale of all things? Don’t you think you should read another 50 or 100 books and listen to many, many, many more lectures and seminars and interview every possible person on the planet that has anything to say about anything before you can actually say “I’ve found my way; I’m ready to commit to it and put it into practice”?

Some say thinking is the way to get to the bottom of all things and others say thinking is exactly that which kills the ascertainment of same! What say you? Do you really think you have the right grasp on things here? And if so shouldn’t you be pursuing it with all due passion here and now instead of reading this diatribe on how everybody’s meanderings are not a sign that enlightenment is anywhere near in sight!

When you really find your way you won’t be stumbling in the dark anymore, you won’t be doubting your commitment to what you found anymore. You simply know that you have the pearl of great price. You’ll see others’ advice on how everyone and their uncle should open their eyes, open their ears, open everything, let in everything and there’s just never any end to it. What about putting into practice the things you’ve been learning and weeding out what you don’t need, what’s no longer serving your higher purpose?

WHAT MOST PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET ARE SORELY MISSING IS A SOLID FOUNDATION IN … ANYTHING !! They’ve dug up all their roots anywhere that they had them and they don’t have the slightest inkling what it’s like going forward with a foundation under them! They think it’s cool, it’s smart, it’s the modern way to reject anything and everything that has been tried and proven and solidified by much application!

They think it’s smart to blaze the trails to something newer and newer and newer, never valuing how much smarter it might be if it were added to some kind of a foundation, something dependable, something tangible.

When you find a teaching for example that really says everything for you, why in the world do you think you need to go all the way to the opposite extreme and check it out and re-check it and re-check it, using your Wikipedia and all kinds of encyclopedias to flesh out fancy knowledge – knowledge of all kinds of things that remotely touch on what you really want? Once you’ve found your way, isn’t it time to shore it up, polish it up, apply it and grow from it, grow deeply, grow with roots, grow with sincerity, grow with honesty and appreciation?
