I don’t think anyone gets to a really full and complete experience until they have finally chosen one teaching that they can stick with and follow completely including doing the things that are part of the instruction. Two weak points that people have these days is (1) they are looking for the easiest way out and (2) they keep mixing various approaches not even realizing that there’s contradiction within the 2 different approaches. I’m talking about “approaches” in other words preparation. In a full teaching, one step follows another which follows another which follows another but when you flip back-and-forth between all the lovely inspiration from all the famous people well I don’t know. I don’t see the real deep preparation and experience happening. I see people getting inspired and feeling very good for a while. But the kind of thing that keeps them really honest is to buckle down and apply some rigorous teaching.
Monthly Archives: December 2019
The awakened woman

If you choose to love an awakened woman, understand that you are entering into new, radical and challenging territory.
If you choose to love an awakened woman, you cannot stay asleep.
If you choose to love an awakened woman, every part of your Soul will be aroused, not just your sexual organs or even your heart.
Frankly, if you prefer a normal life, stick with a normal girl.
If you want a tame life, seek only a woman who has allowed herself to be tamed.
If you only want to dip your toe into the flowing waters of Shakti, stay with the safe, tamed woman who has not yet plunged into the wildness of the Sacred Feminine ocean.
It is comfortable to love a woman who has not yet activated her inner sacred powers, because she does not push your buttons.
She will not challenge you.
She will not press you into becoming your highest Self.
She will not awaken the forgotten and numbed-out parts of your Spirit that urge you to remember that there is more to your Life here than this.
She will not look into your weary eyes and send a lightning bolt of Truth through your body, jolting you awake and stirring long-lost desires for Soul Love within you.
A safe, unawakened woman will be wonderfully satisfying and soothing to your ego, heart, and body. She will walk quietly beside you and make you feel needed, responsible, like you are fulfilling your manly role.
If this is enough for you then accept it, love her with all your heart, remain faithful to her and thank her daily for the gift of her mild, unthreatening feminine presence in your life.
If this is not enough for you – if your heart, body and spirit is only craving the ‘other kind of woman’, the Wild One – then know that you are on the cusp of Soul-Shifting transformation.
Know that you are making a serious choice with karmic consequences.
If you choose to step into the aura and body of a woman whose spiritual fires are blazing, you are accepting that you need a certain level of danger and risk in order to grow.
Once you begin to love a woman of this nature, you must accept total responsibility for the life-changes that will then ensue.
Your life will not be sleepily comfortable all the time. Your life will not allow you to stay stuck in old ruts and stagnant routines.
Your life will take on a radically-new flavour and scent. You will be ignited by the presence of the Wild Feminine, and it will begin to send electric shockwaves of spiritual Light through your entire chakra system, attuning you to the Call of the Divine.
Choosing to be sexually and romantically-intimate with an awakened woman takes masculine courage to walk fearlessly into the Unknown. But it will reap rewards beyond your mind’s comprehension.
She will take you into undiscovered worlds of mystery and magic.
She will lead you, mesmerised and half-drunk with love, into the wild forests of sensual ecstasy and wonder.
She will show you sacred skies so full and burning with stars that you will start to wonder if you are still living on the same planet that you were born on.
She will break and tear you open so that your fierce, passionate heart drives you half-mad with longing. You will want to consume and penetrate her on every level so that your Masculine Essence can consume and penetrate the world – illuminating the Universe with your devoted Love.
She will see you like you’ve never been seen before.
She will trust you.
She will appreciate you.
She will acknowledge your efforts to make her happy.
She will value everything good that you do, and everything good that you are.
She will not run from your darkness, because your darkness does not scare her.
She will embrace, kiss, caress and love you back to Life. She will speak words that your Soul understands. She will not punish you for your mistakes.
It is a monumental risk to love an awakened woman, because there is suddenly no place to hide. She sees everything, therefore she can love you with a depth and presence that your heart and body have yearned for so hard, so long, so fiercely…that you wonder whether you have actually been alive for all the time that she has been away.
Loving a woman like this is a choice you make to start living with your Soul on fire.
Your life will never be the same again once you’ve invited her energy in.
Take this risk on yourself, or step back, stay with the normal girl and accept a different, safer, more comfortable and somewhat calmer life.
Just make sure that if you choose the latter, you don’t spend the rest of your days with your eyes looking back over your shoulder, straining to see once again the hazy vision of Feminine Mystery that has now disappeared from view.
She has long gone..spiralling back up to the Stars, the distant Galaxies and the Heavens…from where She came.
~Sophie Bashford
Listen to the other guy
W I T H . A . M O D I C U M . O F . C O U R A G E
With a modicum of courage we can really, really listen to the proverbial other guy’s interpretation of spiritual journey and learn as quantum physics reveals there is an infinitude of paths, ways, means, methods to get into our spiritual bodies and open our spiritual single eye at last.
I wish for everyone who has happened upon this discourse that they stumble into a situation that will lay bare before them the total abject absurdity that they could be ‘right’, to the exclusion of the next person who has been traveling a different road with equal zeal!
The moment you think you’ve got the final answer, you must despair of it. Start over. Start from scratch. See if you don’t find yourself more aware and alert than ever before. You owe it to yourSelf.
“If we are satisfied with yesterday’s manna, with yesterday’s understanding, with yesterday’s interpretation, we will not progress, and we must progress. It seems that I never go along more than six months without coming to the realization that I have to start all over again, that what I knew of truth before is no longer true or helpful, and now I have to begin all over and learn from the beginning. That is exactly what happens. I have very blank periods, usually not more than six months apart, in which I get to a point of frustration, during which I know that I am going nowhere and I am getting there very rapidly. The best thing to do in such a predicament is to turn to the Father and ask for fresh manna.”
Joel Goldsmith, “The Only Freedom,” Chapter 4.
Exaggerated Eng. Expressions!
F O R . Y O U R . E D I F I C A T I O N
ORDINARY ENGLISH: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
MPOMBO: Individuals who make their abodes in vitreous edifices would be advised to refrain from catapulting perilous projectiles.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Twinkle, twinkle, little star
MPOMBO: Scintillate, scintillate, asteroid minim.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: All that glitters is not gold.
MPOMBO: All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly auriferous.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Beggars are not choosers
MPOMBO: Sorting on the part of mendicants must be interdicted.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Dead men tell no tales
MPOMBO: Male cadavers are incapable of rendering any testimony.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Beginner’s luck
MPOMBO: Neophyte’s serendipity.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: A rolling stone gathers no moss
MPOMBO: A revolving lithic conglomerate accumulates no congeries of small, green, biophytic plant.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Birds of a feather flock together
MPOMBO: Members of an avian species of identical plumage tend to congregate.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Beauty is only skin deep
MPOMBO: Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity.
ORDINARY ENGLISH: Cleanliness is next to godliness
MPOMBO: Freedom from incrustations of grime is contiguous to rectitude.
Source unknown
Retributive justice
“What about retributive justice? Where are the reparations? Who’s accountable for remuneration on all the damage that’s been done?” – do you sometimes mournfully ask?
What if someday you actually received a response that went something like this: “I will assume all liability and will deliver you from this terrible Injustice. All you need to do is trust Me completely and allow Me to do it My way?” Think you could handle it?
Would you be willing to accept a condition or situation that is infinitely better than what you had in the first place? The only thing you would have to do is give up wanting to exact retribution from the person you have been holding responsible.
Effort has its place
D’ Y A . T H I N K . E F F O R T . I S . P A S S É ?
Yes, yes, yes it’s true, no human effort is required to be 100% at One with Spirit, God. And not one ounce of effort is required to simply open our single eye 👁. Now wouldn’t we like to transpose our spiritual altitude to spread it out for all to behold?
Herb Fitch so selflessly lays it out for us all in a palatable, no holds barred model:
“If you will walk through the streets of this world seeing God everywhere, no matter what appears, you will be doing what this is calling for.
“That is the struggle. It is a struggle to look at this world and see God. That’s your labor pain. You consciously bring yourself to look at the world and see God behind it instead of what appears. That’s your childbirth. That’s the anxiety, the stress, the struggle.
“To consciously do this, no matter how difficult it is for you to say, “I see that ugly so and so, but there is only God.” You must do this. This is part of giving birth to your own Selfhood.
“No woman wants the pain of childbirth. She wants the child but not the pain goes with it.
Nobody wants the pain of giving birth to Christ, but the pain goes with it.
“You must accept the pain as the companion to the event itself. You must be able to tear apart all of the pre- conceived notions of the human mind which says, “That one over there is better than that one over there.” It isn’t true and if it pains you to do it, it doesn’t matter.
“You must know only God is behind both, and God is there and only God. This is the struggle of the inner birth that we take into our conscious awareness day by day.
“We’re sacrificing all of our delicate little human ways, all of the sacred cows of humanhood. We’re sacrificing all our prejudices, all our so-called mental comforts, all of the grooves that we have worn so deep by human living.
“We’re going into the deep travail of giving birth to Christ. And we must remain pure while
doing it.”
Herb Fitch
Realization of Oneness
Your Second Coming To Christ
That’s the real skinny! Welcome the tough with the sublime. Do it with all due willingness and God will literally take over and make all of it glorious and most enjoyable!
Stay with insights
D O . W E . L E A V E . I N S I G H T S . T O O . S O O N ?
I Am. Spirit IS. God is ALL. You ARE everywhere at once.
If I Am Omnipotence, the I that I Am is in the White House, in hospitals everywhere, in China, Nigeria, Afghanistan, wherever I see (or don’t see) Presence.
The I of me is the I of you, so I am you and you are me. This I is present perfection, nothing less. Not a wave, not a twinkle, just presence, just perfection.
There’s nothing I can’t do, see, hear, feel: it only has to be Spirit, Perfection. Instead of going back into the dream, let’s leave the illusion behind. When we’re good and ready we’ll glance back and see that there’s nothing there.
Our very being is what brings on miracles and effects healings! Our very being. I Am. Pure Spirit doesn’t vibrate, doesn’t have degrees, doesn’t have moments. It’s mankind’s illusions that create all the fancy newfangled explanations. Spirit simply IS.
Keep going with this Truth: see where it takes you. As long as you don’t drag in matter in any form – no matter how etherealized – you’ll be just fine, for you won’t be limited in any conceivable way.
We don’t sink deeply enough
F O R . T H E . A D V A N C E D
Quite frankly, not everyone’s capable of being entirely honest. Are you? Honest with yourself, I mean. And don’t tell me I have no right to talk like this because I put myself right there in the center of those who want more spiritually.
We can learn with the best of ’em how to slow down the thinking mechanism to nearly a standstill but we still want more. At least I do, and I’ve been at it a few hundred years, I think!
We want healing and miracles too! In Spirit they’re as natural as can be and for us they’re like God-kisses that reassure us. But we’ve got to change our entire focus.
Wanting anything is a strong declaration that we lack something and it’s at this juncture that we should be ready for a bucket of virtual (spiritual!) ice water on our head.
We know better than to entertain such a Self-defeating thought. But we do so for hours, even days or years.
WE JUST SIMPLY DON’T SINK DEEPLY ENOUGH INTO THE VERY TRUTH(S) WE ALREADY KNOW !!! Then we weep and wail and wonder what more we must do.
We must take one Truth and meditate on it till the cows come home. But, oh no, we get a warm, fuzzy feeling and we go bounding off like a little child. That was the time we should have STARTED to buckle down! And down! And down!
I am Spirit. What in the blazes does that mean? What is Spirit? What is the entire absence of matter? What is Omnipresence? How in the world can God be Omnipresence? How can I?
You’ve got your work cut out for you and so do I. Our Teacher is our Self. Are you equal to it?
No vibration HF
All motion, all time, all space, all material consciousness is the relationship of one set of vibrations to another set and that is not the world that Christ Jesus walked in. He discovered another world where there is no vibration. My Kingdom is not a world of vibration. And if you want to walk in My Kingdom, you must find a way to resist not evil and evil is resisted only in one way. The vibrations of your electrical self respond to the vibrations of that which you think is evil. To resist not means to remove the vibration of your being, to come into a state of non-vibration. And so it s called non-reaction, non-resistance. And it means non-vibration. When you are in a state of non-vibration, then vibrations that touch you find no reaction in you and you’re not involved. Non-vibration is the method, the Silence in the wilderness that takes you into the Invisible kingdom of non-vibration. The still waters of the Spirit. “He leadeth me beside the still waters.”29 As you learn to live with Christ in you, you are taken into the still waters; the kingdom of non-vibration, in which world thought cannot move through you because you are in a state of no thought. Your non-thought takes you out of the emotions, out of the mind, out of the material world of vibration into the non-vibrating perfect Spiritual universe where all is one.
~ Herb Fitch
God as mother, sometimes father. JSG
Conscious Union with God
Chapter 1: The Basis of Spiritual Healing
Pages 16-17
Spiritual healing is brought about through the realization of the Christ in individual consciousness. God, the individual Consciousness of this universe, is the one and only consciousness. However, since God is the consciousness of me and God is the consciousness of you – and, because there is only this one consciousness – truth becomes effective in the consciousness of anyone who tunes in to it. Therefore, any truth that reveals itself within our consciousness instantaneously reveals itself to the person appearing as our patient. Sometimes, people who are not associated with us in any way, either as friends, relatives, students, or patients – someone in a hospital or a prison, someone on a desert island, someone who is reaching out for help to his highest concept of God – may be healed, even though they do not know us and we do not know them; or, even if they do know us, they may not know that we are on this path and, therefore, would not know why they were healed.
There is only one Life, one Consciousness, one Soul; but, that One is the consciousness of you and the consciousness of me. That is why we do not have to try to reach anyone. When we are in this conscious oneness, we become so much a part of one another that what one is thinking about Truth, or God, the other is hearing. But, no transference of thought is involved and should not be so construed. We are not one in our humanhood. We are one in the Christ. And, all that is being imparted is the divine idea flowing in consciousness. For that reason, those who are aware of the principle of one power need never be concerned about suffering from other people’s thoughts. All the suffering on earth, regardless of its form or nature, is a product of the universal belief in two powers; and, therefore, universal harmony will only be restored when God is revealed as Omnipotence. There is only one mind. And, that mind is the instrument of the one Spirit, or God. Human thinking, which is the product of a mind unaware of its proper function as an instrument of God, never rises higher than the person in whose mind it is taking place. For example, if someone were sitting here repeating, “Two times two is five,” our own mathematical sense would be a protection to us. And, we would not accept that incorrect statement. He might say, “You are dead!” But, our own sense of life would be a protection. And, we would not be troubled by such erroneous thinking. In some forms of mental practice, experiments have been conducted which prove that an individual cannot be induced to do
anything which violates his own integrity unless it is by his own conscious choice. No amount of human thinking, consciously directed at a person, can ever make anyone violate his own integrity. And, therefore, when anyone does wrong, it is because he himself is consciously violating his own sense of right. It all lies within one’s own being.