Monthly Archives: December 2019

A P P L I C A T I O N . O F . R U P E R T . S P I R A

A word substitution lends itself greatly to healing in the below quote of Rupert Spira, [brackets, mine]:

“If separation [disease, lack, any problem] were real, we would have to get rid of it. However, separation [disease, lack, any problem] is an illusion.

“Attempting to get rid of an illusion only asserts its apparent reality, thereby strengthening it.”

The bottom line is that all materiality – its ups and downs, sickness, disease, death are unreal in Spirit, therefore unreal. Apply this truth to any ailment – fully and completely – and watch said ailment dissipate (an intransitive verb meaning of its own accord).

Then elsewhere Rupert Spira advises us “At a certain stage, our former interpretation of God or reality changes…as our knowledge is expanded…so that the model or prevailing paradigm can no longer accomodate our expanding knowledge.”

We would do well to keep our language very, very flexible in order that it might accommodate our never ending awakening!


Quotable quotes

I’m really not to blame here. The chips run out but I still got salsa. I get more chips and the salsa runs out. So I …… you know.

When people work to make a positive change in the world, the whole thick, materialistic, selfish energy current will work against them, will try to pull them back, or to stop them at all costs.
Worth remembering.
–Anna Wysocka

Freedom Quotes:

‘’ It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.’’
–J. Krishnamurti

‘’ The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.’’
— Aung San Suu Kyi

‘’ Freedom to do what one likes is really bondage, while being free to do what one must, what is right, is real freedom.”
–Nisargdatta Maharaj

‘’ A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire, or preserve his freedom.’’
— Malcolm X

‘’ He only earns his freedom and his life who takes them every day by storm.’’
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

‘’Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.’’
— Albert Einstein

‘’You can be a scared slave or you can be a brave human being.’’
— Maxime Lagacé

Level-click: I AM God

G O D,. T H E . G R E A T . I . A M

I had another of those level-clicks yesterday & today. However tentative I may have been on I AM GOD, I’m not anymore. It busts everything w-i-i-ide open. I don’t need to listen, but to be, act and declare what I know! It’s blowing ‘me’ away literally.

When I had needed God’s companionship, approval and guidance, “he” was there. Now it’s a no-step simple “I Am”.


Create vs Already done

I’m not sure if you two are familiar with Joel Goldsmith and Herb Fitch. They, together with acim, harmonize beautifully and say the same thing in the end. The term “create” doesn’t have to be a stumbling block. Language shouldn’t run rampant over an honest investigation. There are other ways of saying things that come out exactly the same in the long run. I studied acim extensively 20 years ago. Both before and after I studied Goldsmith. As a doctor of linguistics I assure you there are various ways of expressing oneself. When I’m in the acim camp i hear create. When I’m talking Goldsmith, people grasp that Absolute Allness implies that what is called create on one level is already done on another level and is no problem.

Can’t “check out” Herb Fitch

Herb’s teaching is not something that can possibly be adequately “checked out”. It doesn’t lend itself in any way to a cursory checking as its depth does not jump out at you. As a matter of fact, unless you have pretty good reason to delve deeply into it, my heartfelt advice is that you hold off on it for now.

God’s repositioning – Not!

E A R L Y . R U M B L I N G S

As a lonely little child, I developed a very close, personal and intimate relationship with God – not as a male figure but as an ever-present friend who guided, protected and loved me. I would literally go off by myself just to spend hours alone with God.

For whatever it was worth, I referred to him/her/it as “God”. We effected many, many healings, miracles and other spiritual demonstrations.

Having had such a close connection with God all my life, newer revelation came to me, not so much out of discontent but more as a maturing process. God was a loving companion who had always been very near. Then God moved to the inside of me – wow, that was really close!

More and more, little by little, God would literally do the things that I was supposed to be doing, AS me! Yes, my hands and mind were engaged but it felt like a thrilling and beautiful ride!

Now God, who had never repositioned anywhere, is no longer AS me: God IS me. Truth be told, this “now” commenced some 40 or so years ago. I recall telling my bro, Michael, “You wanna know what God looks like? You’re lookin’ at her!”


Oh Kitty!

O H . K I T T Y !!!

He took the poor little kitty by the scruff of the neck and immersed her in the cold, cold river repeatedly!!!

Oh, did I forget to mention that she had fallen into quicksand and was drowning? Simply getting kitty out and leaving her to lick off a complete multi-covering of mud would not have saved her life!

He didn’t pause to think whether kitty would like being dunked in the frigid river. First he got her out and clean and warm and fed.

But we – o lofty mortals – we think we always know the best way for ourselves, don’t we? What feels good to the five senses? What gets us what we want instantaneously? How can we avoid like the plague – or mud – our exertion of a modicum of effort?

Btw, Kitty wound up falling in love with her “captor”. We can learn to do likewise because merely titillating our senses does not translate to happening upon enlightenment.


Reincarnation: yes or no?

R E I N C A R N A T I O N : . Y E S . O R . N O ?

Why does one teacher, Herb Fitch, vehemently maintain that reincarnation is entirely and categorically unreal and then expend much time, effort and skillfully researched thought on its description, its function and purpose in the very life of mankind?

Here’s why. Reincarnation is part and parcel of the much greater hypnotic sham perpetrated upon the human race. The seemingly insurmountable false belief besieges everyone that it can: such is the function of hypnotism.

We have all bought into the belief of incarnation, haven’t we? We get up in the morning, have our java, brush our teeth, do our chores, get sick, die. Start again and again. And again until we finally wake up.

Herb wants us all to wake up now. We don’t have to keep trying and trying and trying to get it right, only to expire once again. Awakening catapults us out of here! That’s right, we can leave before our number is up. I can’t think of anything more important we could put on the table than our own personal burning desire to finally, once and for all, completely, without equivocation, wake entirely up!
