Quantum physics, explaining the illusive, even illusory, nature of matter can learn a thing or two from our beloved Herb Fitch who advises us in The Infinite Way, Series 3 – The Christ:
“If you look out at heaven or reality – whatever you wish to call it – you will find that you cannot see all of it but there is a place where you become aware of something. That place where you become aware of heaven, to your senses it becomes earth. At the moment that you are able to make a contact through your senses, that which is heaven to you becomes the earth. It is translated by your senses. It doesn’t change from heaven to earth; but now you look at that which is heaven and misperceive it to be the earth.”
Herb is hereby preparing his eager students to literally think outside the human or mortal mind, given the fact that he’s speaking of a realm or dimension in which matter is unheard of. He continues in his usual most exacting manner:
“There’s a line of demarcation where the veil apparently begins, where Spirit becomes matter. It is not a line of ether: It is a line where the mind misperceives the truth.”
We see clearly that Herb wishes to drive home the fact that mankind is MISPERCEIVING basic level quantum mechanics MOST CONSISTENTLY and PREDICTABLY:
“The outer limit of your mind misperceiving the truth of that point and all the way in now recreates its concept of heaven and in that concept you live as a mortal being although nothing about you has ever changed. The Christ is still the Christ. The Christ is still present. The light is unchanging – it can never be influenced in any way and in it is the grace, the guidance, the love, the fullness of all of your true self, and all this brought into a sharp material focus by the five senses becomes a disconnection – the ignorant separation from the very self of all being.”
It’s nothing short of a DISCONNECTION that Herb has directed our attention to and in no uncertain terms. I am reminded of early computer-ese, GIGO (garbage in, garbage out)! The moment we allow for the possibility of matter as a palpable entity, we may as well throw our mental doors wide open to the vicissitudes it entails such as sickness, disease, death, reincarnation, et al.
[Transcribed Herb Fitch from seminar:
The Infinite Way, Series 3 –
The Christ, mp3, side 1]