Monthly Archives: January 2019

Karma, meditation, gods, breath – T.Burney

Trish Burney

When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
When the student is truly ready… The teacher will Disappear.
~Tao Te Ching💟🕉☯️⚛️
(Thx Trish Burney)

First of all there is no god out there to bless you. When someone says “May God Bless You”, they haven’t a clue what they’re even saying because we ourselves are Gods. There is no other God to bless you.
We are all masters of our own selves. Our life has been guided by us. Our parents were chosen by us.
Our physical body has been created by us ‐ atom to atom, cell by cell, by our own thoughts, our own desire, and our own goals. Our life has been built brick by brick by us. It’s not by some “God’s” blessing! It is the God IN us working and creating this body. You have bad karma your face will be horrible! You have good karma your face will be beautiful, because your body is created by your deeds, your karmas. Your body is the physical representation of your wholly karmic history.
You have got a long history, a karmic history carrying across many life times.
Suppose you are born in a cancerous physical body, it again represents your karmic structure. You are born in a very healthy physical body, again it represent your karmic history.
Your physical body is the mirror image of your karmic whole history. And your life once you take up a physical body, your life is again built by your own self, brick by brick, thought by thought, word by word, deed by deed. So every thought and every word, every deed is so very vital that it’s like brick in a building. If the bricks are weak somewhere the building is going to collapse. When the bricks are strong the building will not collapse. So, we create our own realities, whatever they are! That is science! No god is there to bless you! No god is there to change or alter the outcome of your life based on your good or bad deeds. So come out of that fallacy of religion and know that YOU bless yourself!

Our words are the indication of our souls. Just the same way as our face is the Indicator of our mind.
When you see somebody’s face you can immediately say what’s wrong with you? Hey something very beautiful must have happened – your face is glowing. If you are depressed, your face shows it. If you are joyous and in celebration again your face shows it. So face is the index of the mind. Similarly your words are the index of the level of evolution or level of consciousness.
If you are still saying “God bless you”, you have not yet reached the level of Spiritual Maturity your soul desires.
We have to be scientific in our words, thoughts, deeds and in our expression, and not that of religion.

One of the simplest most spiritual things one can do is observe the breath.
When you observe the breath, you become the master of Meditation. As long as you don’t come to the breath, you are not going to become the master of Meditation. Maybe you are encasing your past lives capacity but you will not progress from your own past life unless you come back to your breath! Our benchmark is our past life achievement, so we always have our benchmark in this current life time but we have to progress from there from the benchmark with current effort in this current lifetime. You have to come back to your breath.
Meditation is the daily bread for spiritual masters. There is no Hinduism, there is no Christianity and there is no Islam in meditation. If you bring Hinduism or Christianity or Islam, Meditation will be out. If you want Meditation ‐ Hinduism, Christianity, Islam are out. So, only the breath. We are not Hindus, Christians or Muslims.
We are human beings, Gods metamorphosed into human beings. And we have to understand a little about our own selves. That’s why we need to come back to the breath.
Every day is the final day in our life. Tomorrow we may not live in the same physical body. So today we must do maximum meditation. So today is the day for Meditation. And breath is the way to go into Meditation.

When the student is ready, the teacher will arise from WITHIN!

This simply means that when you are ready to learn, then you will learn. The concept of “teacher” is simply a metaphor.
It does not need to be a person to be a teacher – life is a teacher, nature is a teacher, Luck is a teacher (good or bad).

Regardless of how you look at it, each of us chose and are exposed to an environment that allows us to reflect and adapt if required.

It actually makes a lot of sense and it will resonate with your inner knowing even if its not your current reality.
And if someone is ready to learn, and that readiness is apparent, it should be possible for a someone to be able to guide that person through a learning path – or indeed to join them on that learning path, negotiating it together.

That is true when you discover the meaning of listening to your inner voice.
You’ll want to hear more of it. Suddenly you realize your ignorance and the desire to learn.

What I post is mostly for me.
If you take something from it, then good. If you don’t, then that’s good as well.
When someone questions my post, it’s a sign the student is ready and the teacher has appeared.
In reality, No two humans in this 3D realm are on the same conscious spiritual soul journey.

Yes it is possibly to learn from one another but it’s you and you alone that chose to incarnate here at this time to learn from you’re inner highest self.

When you’re ready, you will KNOW and the true meaning to THIS Life will be revealed!
Just as it was revealed to all other ascended masters (Buddha, Yahshua).
It will then be YOU that Ascends up through the kundalini scale and reaches that same level of consciousness as they did.

Why ask others to pray?

I’m having the hardest darned time understanding what is to be gained by asking others to pray for what we think we need.
How do we know that’s what we really need? Need for what?
To awaken to who and what we really are? Then why do we need to commission others to pray in our stead?
We say we want with all our heart to be fully aware of a realm we know precious little about.
But we want this or that or the other fixed so we can bound off and do pretty much whatever our body minds dictate.
What if what we think we want were the LAST thing that could possibly be compatible with what we really want in our heart – the very seat of our soul?

drrobinstarbuck .com

Being realistic JSG

If you persist in going on in a materialistic frame of consciousness accepting two powers, always battling evil and most of the time observing that evil gets the better of good, that is the kind of universe in which you will live. Most of the time your experience will be on the negative side with some brief interludes of good.
If, through the power of discernment, however, you can mold your consciousness to accept the truth that God, your individual consciousness, is infinite, and besides it there are no other powers, life will unfold gloriously and abundantly.
All that is necessary is inwardly to develop a listening ear and be governed by the Father that is within you, not a Father up in the sky, even though the Master sometimes referred to God as in heaven—at least the Bible said he did. You must remember that there were no tape recorders in his day. Not only that, there was no system of shorthand and probably none of his disciples could read or write. No word of the Master was written until thirty years after the Crucifixion, and I am sure that you do not believe that Jesus could be quoted verbatim after thirty years. True he may have lapsed into the idiom of his day and said, “Your Father in heaven.” That does not mean a Father up in the sky, but the Father in consciousness. The essence of his teaching was: “The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.. . . Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, Lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
If you can mold your consciousness to accept the truth that the kingdom of God is within you and then rest back and let this kingdom of God govern your life—not being indolent, but always alert, inwardly listening for the “still small voice”—you will find yourself guided, led, advised, counseled, protected, maintained, and sustained by the power that is within you. You will quickly perceive, however, that It does not go out fighting other powers. Rather, It reveals to you that I Am is the power of resurrection. There is no other power; there are no powers to fight. I Am the all-power, the kingdom of all-power within you.
Making your transition from a life lived according to appearances to a life lived according to spiritual discernment is entirely a matter of remolding consciousness, letting old beliefs die, so that truth can be born in you. You will then find that you are the same consciousness you always have been, only now you are not governed by ignorance, mythology, and superstition; now you are governed by an inner voice, direction, counsel, an inner presence, an inner power. You do not send It out to overcome the world. You have overcome the world the moment your consciousness no longer fears appearances. You have overcome the entire world in that moment when you no longer fear or hate appearances.

J. S. Goldsmith: The Art of Spiritual Living. Chapter Two; Remolding Consciousness; The Power of Discernment Must Be Developed; Kindle location: 685-709

Art of spiritual healing JSG

Joel Goldsmith: IW Morsel – God’s Work Is Done
God’s work is done, finished and complete, but it is unfolding to our conscious awareness in proportion as we learn the truth and how to bring ourselves into harmony with that truth.
The Art of Spiritual Healing P.20
By Joel Goldsmith

Study & Meditation #3
– 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Class (II:2)

Nothing enters your experience except through your consciousness. Whatever it is that you are to experience in your life you must experience through your own consciousness. There is no outside God and there is no outside devil. There are no outside laws. Whatever it is that is operating in you is operating through and in your own consciousness.

There is one of two things. You either have a consciousness of Truth or a consciousness of ignorance of Truth. If you are ignorant of Truth, you are not made free. If you know the Truth, the Truth will make you free.

Therefore, it is knowing or Consciousness. You must consciously know the Truth, not sit around waiting for some mysterious God to do something for you because you are charitable or kind or moral. It won’t work. It is your abiding in the Truth. Your abiding in the Word and letting the Word abide in you. Your abiding in God and letting God abide in you. You are the one who is doing it!

The Contemplative Life JSG

Through the contemplative life, you can come to a whole new state of consciousness in which – while you are still aware that there are evils in the world – no longer do you sit in judgment on them or condemn them, no longer do you misunderstand them. Now, you have compassion; because, you understand why they are taking place. Furthermore, you know that they must continue to take place in each person’s experience until he is awakened.

When an individual is awakened to the fact that life is indestructible, immortal, and eternal, he cannot fear death. And, once he no longer fears death, he cannot know death. No one can experience anything that is not a part of his consciousness. And, when death is no longer part of his consciousness, he cannot die.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way,
The ContemplativeLife
Page 126

When you want to help

When you’ve got a really good Truth to hold onto throughout the day
you can plug into it any time.
Saw a lady in the grocery store
kinda bent over, struggling . . .
Wanted to help, but how?
Didn’t want to draw attention to the physical, if possible,
What to say? What to do?
Remember, Robin, think as God.
What I ‘did’ astounded even me!
I asked her for help!
“Can you tell me why these two containers of salt are completely different prices?”
She stood up, erect, smiling from ear to ear and said something like “Let’s see now .. I think this one is iodized …”
She was soooo happy to be the one who could help!
More recently I witnessed an egregious wrongdoing that needed to be stood up to.
Why me? I don’t want to meddle.
Because you can.
Long story short, I did, it healed, Almost.
“Now you can stop,” said God
to me.

Think as God

the Spirit told me.
Not a problem,
delighted to do so
Quoth I
Until one day I see
a chance to support
one who’s half right
or another one who’s
the other half right.
Not my place to
Thot I.
Think as God
Rightness will out.
Spirit takes over
Me steps aside
Thy will is done
Concluded I.

When what I want isn’t what I want ACIM

Let us suppose, then, that what you ask of the Holy Spirit is what you really want, but you are still afraid of it. Should this be the case, your attainment of it would no longer be what you want. This is why certain specific forms of healing are not achieved, even when the state of healing is.”
ACIM “T-9.II.2.
RJS: If, on a very deep level of consciousness – practically unknown to oneself on the day-to-day human level – a person craves full awareness of God or Spirit consciousness, they are made aware that a condition (physical or otherwise) doesn’t yield to their treatments, my (Robin’s) advice is to keep on your spiritual path more diligently than ever before and with added gratitude that you yourself have chosen deeper spirituality over freedom to go off track yet again. Be sure to recognize signs that you’re being cared for in your desire for total awareness. But most of all, realize that full consciousness is yours the moment you’re completely still. It’s you who chooses to turn away from your conscious awareness and resume world thought. The “state of healing”, having been achieved, is reason for great, great gratitude. Never, never, never look back and deny this high plateau once it’s genuinely attained. Let Spirit, not world mind, define full healing.

When what I want isn’t what I want

Not improving human condition JSG

“As you approach work in The Infinite Way, do not start out with any idea of first trying to be more spiritual or trying to be more honest or trying to be more moral or trying to be better in any way, because we’re really not interested in self-improvement, and we’re not interested at all in human improvement or human betterment. Our work is not dedicated to making bad humans good or necessarily merely making sick humans well or unhappy humans happy.

The message of The Infinite Way is completely dedicated to admitting that presence of God, that Christ, into consciousness and letting It transform our lives from the material sense to the spiritual, not merely from the bad human sense to the good human sense. Our interest is not in that direction. Our interest is in surrendering the whole of the material sense, even when it’s good, and receiving in exchange our divine Sonship.”

Joel Goldsmith
543B- “Opening the Door to Me” 1964