Monthly Archives: October 2018

Dealing with all issues JSG

We bind ourselves by believing that there is a power outside of us – a power for good or for evil. All power is given to you. And this power is always good because of the infinite Source whence it flows. The recognition of this great fact brings a peace and a joy untold, yet felt by all who come within range of your thought. It makes you beloved of men. It brings you recognition and reward. It establishes you in the thoughts of men and becomes the foundation of an eternal good will. Whenever you are faced with a problem, regardless of its nature, seek the solution within your own consciousness. Instead of running around here and there, instead of seeking an answer from this or that person, instead of looking for the solution outside of yourself, turn within. In the quiet and calm of your own mind, let the answer to your problem unfold itself. If, the first or second or third time you turn in peace to the kingdom within, you fail to perceive the completed picture, try again. You will not be too late, nor will the solution appear too late. As you learn to depend on this means for the working out of your problems and experiences, you will become more and more adept in quickly discerning your mind’s revelation of harmony.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

God constitutes our being

We do not have to go anywhere to find God: we carry God within us, not in our mind and not in our body, and yet the kingdom of God is within us. God constitutes our being; God constitutes our life; therefore, our life is as eternal and immortal as God’s life, for there is only one Life. God constitutes our consciousness; therefore, our consciousness is the same consciousness as the consciousness of God. There are not two: there is only one. “I and my Father are one. . . . He that seeth me seeth him that sent me.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity, p.29

When under attack

When you’re under attack and people
All around you are acting kinda crazy
It’s actually a good sign coz it means
You’re onto something big.
You must remember to impersonalize.
Emotions are churning and burning
Valued friends listening to gossip.
Hey, you’re in the wrong realm!
The moment you return to Spirit, God,
The Fourth Dimension,
All negativity ceases, Love reclaims you.
Not wishy-washy, pie-in-sky, esoterica.
No, in the fourth realm and beyond,
All the machinations, self-delusions,
Dis-eases and death sentences of
Third dimensional world-thought;
All the lies and half truths disintegrate
Leaving Perfection to peek through
And overtake you at last!

First, last and only concern

Let the activity of Truth in your consciousness be your first and last and only concern, and the Christ of you will also reveal Itself in an individual, infinite way. There is no evil. Let us therefore stop the resistance to the particular discord or inharmony of human existence which now confronts us. These apparent discords will disappear as we are able to cease our resistance to them. We are able to do this only in proportion to our realization of the spiritual nature of the universe. Since this is true, it is evident that neither heaven nor earth can contain error of any nature, and therefore the unillumined human thought is seeing error in the very place where God shines through, discord where harmony is, hate where love abounds, and fear where confidence really is.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Fruitage must be experienced

The producer (cause) of spiritual fruitage in you and me individually is the EXPERIENCE of the Presence. With this, there’s no need of words or thoughts as the fruitage flows forth from individual Consciousness by an act of Grace making it possible for anyone anywhere who’s receptive to the spiritual impulse to feel or have a measure of this EXPERIENCE also whenever they come into the range of the Consciousness of the individual who is ordained by the indwelling Spirit.

Without the EXPERIENCE, all the words and thoughts uttered “ABOUT” it produce no lasting (permanent) fruitage . And this will be demonstrated as little if any spiritual progress for the individual.
John F. Drewery, Sr.

Christ doesn’t remove your thinking

You may still complain about fear, but you nevertheless persist in making yourself fearful. I have already indicated that you cannot ask me to release you from fear. I know it does not exist, but you do not. If I intervened between your thoughts and their results, I would be tampering with a basic law of cause and effect; the most fundamental law there is. I would hardly help you if I depreciated the power of your own thinking. This would be in direct opposition to the purpose of this course.

Power of mind over fear

Everyone experiences fear. Yet it would take very little right thinking to realize why fear occurs. Few appreciate the real power of the mind, and no one remains fully aware of it all the time. However, if you hope to spare yourself from fear there are some things you must realize, and realize fully. The mind is very powerful, and never loses its creative force. It never sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recognize that thought and belief combine into a power surge that can literally move mountains. It appears at first glance that to believe such power about yourself is arrogant, but that is not the real reason you do not believe it. You prefer to believe that your thoughts cannot exert real influence because you are actually afraid of them. This may allay awareness of the guilt, but at the cost of perceiving the mind as impotent. If you believe that what you think is ineffectual you may cease to be afraid of it, but you are hardly likely to respect it. There are no idle thoughts. All thinking produces form at some level.

Got the poop on someone?

Have you something on someone
and you’re keeping it safely
Think now! It’s not unusual!
We all do it – and it’s absolutely
Devastating to our fully awakening!
We’ve got the poop on someone
And by Jove we’ll use it if pressed.
That! That right there is blocking you
From going all the way in .. and home.
Oh no, you’ve got the skinny, right?
That’s your insurance all paid up.
You’re covered, you’ve suffered
Long and hard, and you’re guarding
Their nasty secrets, stowed away
For a rainy day. Crocodile tears, that
Rainy day is always right here.

Stream-of-consciousness letter for you

What I want for you with my whole heart is that you come into an awareness that supersedes any that I have ever known! I have been blessed with the truth at a young age but I never pursued it anywhere near as much as I wish I had and like I said I wish it even more for you. Don’t think for a moment that it doesn’t involve effort. It involves great effort to get yourself fully aware there’s much to undo to Free Yourself and open the floodgates of pure consciousness! I could have fully awakened long ago but I clung to the hideous notion that I wanted to truly live my mortal life to the fullest so that that desire always dogged me even as I pursued the truth Lo these many many years!