The minute you genuinely say Yes to Truth
inside your Heart, a subtle vibration is felt.
Don’t overlook it. If you are open,
it will guide you in subtle ways.
Day by day, you become increasingly aware of it.
Sometimes, it may just whisper.
Why whisper?
You bend down to listen.
In the beginning you have to make an effort to listen,
because other voices are also talking inside your head.
You must engage your discerning power
to identify which is the true voice.
The less of ‘you’, the person, there is in your life,
the more Truth shows itself.
You begin to see things in a much lighter way.
However, the more one identifies with the ego self,
the more heavy life becomes.
There is a message in this: Relax. Trust.
Walk like this—observant. Move like this—empty.
Don’t wait for It to come.
Recognise: It is already here.
~ Mooji
Monthly Archives: July 2018
Hypnotism even in the healer

I thought I was quite well aware of the widespread hypnotic state of the world when one night I had an episode that revealed to me that it was much greater than I first thought. It started with a nightmare which suggested to me that I hadn’t gotten rid of some past hurts. Upon awakening *I determined that *I would apply *my freshly sharpened knowledge to *my problem. Then *I began to suffer symptoms that *I thought *I’d beaten before. Finally 5.5 hours later *I WOKE UP to all the *”me” and *”I (not Spirit)” and found the culprit. “Me” had slipped into believing that the onus was upon itself to be God! There just simply wasn’t enough heart-rending surrender and willingness to let Spirit TAKE OVER !!! I’m only sorry that it took such a harrowing ordeal to teach me but in that particular area I had been shut down.
MEMES – 25

Your spiritual body will help you to do a lot of things.
It obeys only Spirit.
Find your true Self & you’ll begin to realize it.
What if what you really really want – your spiritual body – were perfectly available to u
finding it required a great effort?
Strange and wonderful things happen when one puts off the old man and finds their true spiritual body.
There is no limitation.
Have u already realized that u are not ur body (flesh)? That u are spiritual?
But u just never went far enough in ur realization?
In the case of
don’t use your human will.
Open out a way for Truth to come out. Your spiritual body CANNOT be harmed.
As you continue to grow in higher spirituality, thoughts that lay below the surface show the foolishness they were and then leave.
Mankind simply hasn’t the foggiest idea just how severely hypnotized they really are. Choosing to
is great undertaking!
When you avoid the battle you were born for, you’ll inevitably face a battle you’re not equipped for…
~Gregory Morris
Makes me sad to see people still mocking one another’s ‘level’ of spiritual apprehension.
How exactly is it supposed to be loving?
Awakening brings healing,
and comes in layers
Carol Anderson
Whenever we can manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are indeed in heaven.
~ Rumi
I am the perfect Light of God, no matter what the body claims.
Do u believe it & then not believe it? Believe it & not believe it?
2b the image & likeness of God – coz u already are
But there’s plenty u can do to understand & believe it
To live in the Spirit is a way of life – an inner compulsion which converts your world into qualities of Spirit such as
L <3 V E
Most effective & efficient way to get rid of sad, fearful, ugly, hateful thinking is to get rid of mind doing it
In my practice I used to include quite a few denials
But did you know you can turn them around before you utter them?
I-Spirit is.
Sorry, I don't know what ur talking about: I know nothing about evil, pain, fear, disease, coz I AM God,
the ONLY Being there is.
Let your soul take the place of your mind.
When the mind isn't out-picturing the soul can only deliver the image & likeness of God
Spirit is not in the world.
15 minutes in Spirit will reveal amazing things, the main one being its utter
You've got to come out of form to be invisible image and likeness of God.
Convert from matter to Spirit by doing whatever it takes
Have kind, happy, loving thoughts & watch ur life brighten.
Ur soul will take its place
When Spirit points the way it will be firm and direct
you are living in the Spirit.
Then u can handle anything that comes along
If you insist on living as a mortal, don't expect Father's help.
Stop thinking as a mortal, living as a mortal with mortal needs
The end of duality comes when you no longer live or think as a mortal
When you see that you and Spirit, God, Life and Love are ONE
CONSCIOUS AWARENESS brings wonderful rewards into your life with such amazing frequency that u finally see full glory of ONENESS
Whenever you say, or think, "I" you should be ecstatic knowing "I" means:
Spirit, Life, Omniscience, Joy, Omnipresence, Robin, You
Has anyone ever observed their insurmountable problems are like markers forcing them directly to where they really want to be??
What if the material world dream were never intended to be won over/conquered by mankind?
2b open to Spirit, ya kinda
drop out of the illusion of matter!
Even if it's a full-time job, I cannot afford not to!
Anyone noticed that Joel takes you all the way to the top with no holds barred?
And that Herb subsequently busts through the top?
One looks at the image within itself and calls it the adultress.
Another looks at the image within itself and calls it the Christ.
If you look upon another as having cheated, lied, stolen, hurt u, ur looking upon yourself as having cheated, lied, stolen, hurt u
When we seek the Presence of God, hoping to receive something we think we need or want, we're denying the very OmniPresence of God
God is your everywhere & infinite life before Abraham was & forever!
You either die in humanhood or you die to humanhood.
You either die in mortality or you die to mortality.
'Sup to you.
Take everyone u know out of humanhood.
See them as immortal being.
This invisible enlightenment power dissolves all sense of error
I-Christ is not subject to error. It's the substance of Life itself.
Jesus was transformed from human state to
B What U R
Spirit has a different message for every single person who's listening.
It's yours from the voice of God.
tick tick tick tick MIND !!
Your soul will take you closer & ever closer to ur desired goal
Spirit has a different message for every single person who's listening.
It's yours from the voice of God.
I am the Child of God.
I was never born and can never die.
The Child of God existed before time and that's who I Am
Whenever there's something seemingly wrong with me it's coz I've forgotten I'm the Child of God
Don't believe any false appearance
Not from above?
I must make it very clear that I neither believe nor subscribe to the concept that loved (or hated) ones who have passed on are looking down on us from a now fully-enlightened vantage point.
But – STRICTLY FANTASY – if they were, could you imagine them saying “Ooooh looook YOURNAME is just beginning to catch on! It won’t be long now before s/he fully understands why I had to do what I did! There was no other way to get you to where YOU really wanted to be.
That ‘lonesome’ step
There comes a point in one’s spiritual ascent that a bold and courageous step beckons … a step that places you beyond the comradery of persons. You’ll want to share it but few will really glimpse where you are or where you’re going. … … … …
The temptation
is almost unbearably strong to go back and
be fully accessible to persons. But you’ve
done that again and again and again.
Always at the expense of taking
that step. Instead you’ve
watched that step
dissolve itself
again and
again &
yet a-
Elevator joy!
One day 5-6 yrs ago I spent the entire morning clearing my thought.
I was deep in connection, head lowered in an elevator when two young women walked in. One said to the other “Wow! there are great vibes in here!” I glanced up and they were both looking and smiling at me!
Like I said it was 5-6 years ago but the joy of remembering it hasn’t abated in the least!
My prize – to try … to share
All morning I had a question.
But I didn’t know what the question was!
So then I had two unknowns.
It was most disconcerting!
I yearned to go all the way
Out of the “me” realm
Of the Unreal.
Didn’t care an iota about
Rewards and accolades of flesh.
Wanted to be where striving’s done
And seeing all aright was my
Healing gift to everyone.
“Me” knew that there was a message
A message that would consign her
To having never existed at all.
What is it?
What can it be?
“Unlike most people, you are
Starting to see that there is
Humans love to compromise two realms
Two realities, mis-connections
Pulling them back down when they would soar
But not you Robin and you’ve paid dearly
But this is your prize – to try
To share.

Quantum physics has concluded with extensive experimentation as far back as 1803 that light exists as undifferentiated waves until observed. Undifferentiated waves are NOTHING. It then, when observed, becomes a particle state and the observable world is seen. Therefore, all things we see in our field of vision DO NOT EXIST WITHOUT OBSERVATION. This includes our brain, commonly believed to be the source of our thinking and awareness.
Physicist William Bray explains:
“The general idea is that the matter, which makes up the physical brain, is nothing more than a large number of probability waves (potentiality) that require Consciousness in order to be matter. Furthermore, the ‘electromagnetic activity’ prized by researchers in Consciousness is nothing more than Virtual Photons, which literally pop into existence out of absolute pure nothingness, exist in a state infinitely dilated in time and therefore symmetrically both progressing forward and backward in time and space simultaneously, then disappear into this pure absolute nothingness again. And all of these processes require Consciousness in order to occur –they therefore cannot be the source of Consciousness.”
So why does this matter? Our very Consciousness, our awareness, our thinking processes originate outside our body, outside our physical being, though we experience them as localized to our body and brain.
When we consider the Power of God within us, we do well to identify with the Truth of our being, the truth confirmed by Quantum Physics: we exist even now as we have forever outside our bodies, and the reason Jesus said we have the power to cast mountains into the sea is because our Consciousness originates in the eternal world of Being with and in God.
Even mountains are constructed by awareness. They exist in particle form only when our Consciousness projects them into being. Otherwise, even mountains, exist only as the undifferentiated wave form of light. As Bray concludes:
“HERE (the visible world) mathematically does not, cannot exist, but (we are) currently residing in an infinite domain, for all practical purposes, a heaven or Heaven –at this very moment, eliminating the need to describe such a place altogether, this place (our visible world) is merely a construct, a perception.”
When Jesus and Paul say “you are seated with Him in the Heavenlies at the very right hand of God” we can take that at face value. And we can also believe that Jesus was not lying when He said “even greater things than I did you will do.” Because Jesus knew that when we realized our Consciousness is not trapped in a brain, but actually creates our brains along with every other visible thing, we would then share the power of creating health in place of illness, abundance in place of poverty, peace instead of war, and of changing the very fabric of our visible world.
And when we pray together for a particular person or thing or event, we are collectively closing our eyes to “what is here” and it ceases to exist and bringing about a new outcome. Collectively we are even more powerful than individually in recreating the “particle reality” of a particular world. In other words, let us pray together to eliminate illness, poverty, violence, in our lives, in the lives of those we know or hear about, and in the total world, etc. And let us realize it is our own Consciousness which is producing every physical thing we see in the world.
~ Steve Farrar
The is no matter as such: Max Planck
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck
The New Science
Resistance to higher spirituality
Don’t think for a moment that Spirit, God, ‘Creator’ of the universe (of Spirit) describes itself in cryptic language just to make your life miserable! That couldn’t be further from the truth!
There is no easy way to use a language – any human language – and explain issues of a non-human (non-mortal) nature. But the hard, cold fact is that humans are in essence mentally lazy. They hear earth-shattering truths, e.g., “Matter as such does not exist” but fail to follow them to a substantial conclusion.
The amazing miracles that Jesus performed also have no easy explanation … not in this realm where matter reigns. But quantum physics and especially Einstein have demonstrated time and again that “matter as such does not exist.” Once free from the throes of matter, Jesus’ miracles start making sense. He was literally in another dimension or another universe right where everyone saw him in our third dimension. In Spirit, all good is possible.
But the world goes on and on ad infinitum with nary the slightest doubt as to the solidity, the all-pervasiveness and absolute dominion of same. It’s as if our mighty mortal man would quell the very knowledge gleaned by quantum- and astro-physics in the name of getting on with their summertime slumber.
~ Dr. Robin Starbuck