IN OBEISANCE OF the famous scriptural dictum:
“Put on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand against
the wiles of the devil. (Eph 6:11)”
we don’t scurry to make a visit
to the nearest hardware store!
No, we’ve surmised that Paul
[mystically speaking, of course]
would have us go into our spiritual closet and shut the door tightly,
leaving all mental anguish and distress to return to its native nothingness
from whence it came.
The “devil” is that native nothingness
without a leg – or reality – to stand on.
Monthly Archives: April 2018
HF more I AM 19b Rev Series
Not human will, human ingenuity, etc., but Consciousness of I Am.
The works that Jesus did, we can do, through I Am.
The sea that parted
The blind healed
The daughter raised to life
The food multiplied
The walls penetrated
World consciousness exposed
Matter overcome.
Illusions overturned
The purpose of spiritual living
Is to get out of parenthesis
I Am is where we live and move
and have our
B R E A T H I N G !!!
I Am (HF:RevSeries-19A-B)
The omnipotence of the Father, I Am.
I-Christ is all I Am.
We all come to Armageddon.
Destruction … or Christ.
Nothing ever happened in your life,
Now, past, present to prepare you to accept I Am.
Your material world is gone.
Gone is self-will.
All possessions too.
Shall I seek the counterfeit??
Much changes in your life.
No longer is anything impossible.
The moment we turn away from all that
I Am not, everything is infinitely
ordained and performed by I Am.
Liberation … I Am takes us into
the new heaven & new earth.
No need to protect yourself now.
See I Am everywhere, right where
the world sees form.
There is no place on earth where
I Am not because I Am is all power.
I Am sees Itself everywhere.
I really wanted to help that poor fellow –
But now I’m helping 8 million of them.
No need for even a slingshot!
The way of the disciple of Christ: I Am.
I Am the life. What life? The Only Life!
The ONE Infinite Life that men call God.
We cannot conceal
that I & Father are ONE.
(19A HF RevSeries)
Bargaining as a fantasy to open out a way
If this will help, try imagining
striking up a bargain with God.
(Pure fiction, but it could help.)
What do you want from God?
Shake it loose from all selfishness.
Shake it loose from all worldliness.
Shake it loose from all fear.
Are you finally sure that what you want
is what God wants for you?
You’ve got to give up your way of
interpreting how things ought to be.
Have faith in all-new impending miracles
Give up your entire mortal dream
of what you thought was right & wrong.
You’re going into a whole new life –
New revelations, new thinking, new
illumination and a whole brand new
Level of connectedness with Spirit, God,
Life, Love, Freedom, Truth, Immortality,
Omnipresence, Omnipotence.
Everything changes now – especially as
you discover that
But now you are claiming them, activating them, living them.
Got the poop on a treacherous fellow?
Do you know some secrets?
Got the poop on a nasty
cantankerous fellow –
hell-bent on treachery?
But you’ve got the skinny
on how to sink his ship?
Just a little well-placed exposure
And ka-bamm! He’s finished!
Did’ja ever think maybe
that’s not your place?
Not your appointment from Love?
That perhaps God’s assignment
for you is to let it all go?
Oh, please join me in this.
God’s way is NEVER man’s design.
I know you now … you’re my-Self
Sometimes I’ve had the silliest, darnedest things to contend with –
issues of vanity
or total loss of self-confidence.
They weren’t ever pretty.
Why me? I was so committed. So … so …
So lost!
Thinking I could help untold millions!
I couldn’t even keep a consistent
spiritual conviction through breakfast!
Well, all that’s changed and changing!
I know you now.
Better than I ever used to.
You’re no more, nor less
than my-Self.
When re-plugging is no more!
When you’ve got that thing you do
to help re-plug into your Spiritual source, well that’s pretty wonderful – it really is:
You can always count on re-connecting!
But when you – through a great deal of
consistent assiduous practice –
start to experience the Christ always
right there, right with you, re-plugging
automatically, where moments of
trepidation used to be: that’s heaven!
But please don’t rush it –
You can’t take the Kingdom of heaven
by storm (Lol) –
nor should you ever want to!
Patience helps tremendously in
bringing you to that place
where doubt assumes its position
atop the ash-heap of mortal dreams,
vanities, rude awakenings!
Four smiling African faces
Sitting in a cafe, I noticed
four very dignified gentlemen
dressed in native African attire.
Not wanting to stare, I simply
enjoyed thinking about how
charming they looked.
A little later when they got up to leave
I glanced up to see all four
smiling faces looking lovingly at me!
Wassup with that?
Memes – 8

Truth is within ourselves.
We must open out a way
For the imprLoisoned splendor to escape.
Only mortal man believes he is “better” than every other creature on the planet.
(Would that this were not the case!)
We must rise above contentment with human form.
We are invisible Self.
We have an opportunity to commune with infinite in everyone
God is All. Yes?
God is good, so all is good.
Spiritually speaking, is reincarnation real?
In Spirit incarnation is but a dream…
Is anyone else out there praying for Mark Zuckerberg and for Facebook?
Both are beloved of God, Spirit, Light.
Have you ever experienced complete non-yearning?
Non-waiting for anything?
Just total absolute composure?
That’s God!
So-and-so thinks whaaat?
Spreading half-baked truisms & unfounded beliefs?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wasn’t it just yesterday you also did?
When you declare Truths of God & Allness,
listen to the other side of the argument.
●●● This is so important. My eyes get weepy when I think of all the precious time I wasted, bending an ear to the world mind’s “side of the story”! There is no other side!
All that we see
Or seem
Is a dream within
A dream. (Edgar Allen Poe) #DEHYPNOTIZE
Know no one after the flesh.
See as Christ does without ceasing.
Stop denying the omnipresence of God.
This is #TheTruthThatHeals
Lean not unto your own understanding but surrender ALL of the natural inclinations that you feel.
God really, really is… ALL !!
The world thinks it believes in God.
It just doesn’t believe in what God is saying!
The world is the antipode of all that God is!
• G • O • D •
• I • S •
• A • L • L •
We have every possible opportunity to enter the Kingdom, to become ONEd with God, Spirit.
It’s right here, right now, in our heart
No matter what’s in the so-called news God is All, and matter isn’t.
Right where confusion seems to be, I-Spirit, God, is instead.
Don’t ever think the Spirit-realm admits of demons and nonsensical spirits.
. #ThisChangesEverything
to those opening your hearts to new revelation, making it easier for everyone to access the Spirit realm.
All pleasure and joy in human achievement comes to an end as we transcend material belief & no longer look to matter for anything.
God becomes a present living total God to whom we consecrate our life.
I am not seeking earthly experiences, not fooled by matter
I’m not seeking effect, but cause, in God. The voice of personal self is dwindling & love of Father is burning in my heart.
The moment that you
K – N – O – W
that God is total, the belief of good and evil disappears.
All I need do is
Everything I could seek in the form is already mine. 🙂
My new name is the life of God.
Whatever you know that God doesn’t know about isn’t real.
You know about sickness, right? Well, God doesn’t!
So it isn’t real.
God the Father is God the Son.
I-Spirit is all-in-all. #NoDualism #AWAKEN #RADICAL #DEHYPNOTIZE
Are you able to distinguish between that which makes you happy (1) Coming from form
(2) Coming from Spirit?
The strangest thing people seeking spiritual answers tend to do =
or any other concoction of matter & Spirit
The happiness that comes from within is …
Well, let’s put it this way:
There’s nothing quite like it!
For it attests to God.
Imagine a day when little children will say “W-a-a-a-a-h, I don’t wanna go out and play, I just want to stay here with Jesus!”
At one time I occasionally felt Jesus beside me. I would stretch up my arms to the heavens! But now I know that He is within!!
Sometimes I look in the mirror to remind myself what Jesus looks like.
🙂 Tim Heart 🙂
you allow yourself to live in a divided consciousness you are turning away from the undivided universe of the Father
None of us has less of a spiritual body than Jesus, nor less of a divine Mind for we are the same firstborn
Jesus said there was so much more he could have told his disciples (us, by mystical-spiritual-extension) but we cannot bear it now
Are you still preaching same sermons you did years ago?
Of course who doesn’t know Truth never changes but new revelations appear.
Are there
TOXIC TOPICS you’ve learned to avoid ‘like the plague’?Good
Don’t go back into muck & mire of material sense
As we ascend in our apprehension of the spiritual we see our former steps with great appreciation & are glad for further progress.
I and the Father are one.
We must be that One in everything we think, say and do.
The inner and the outer are one in Spirit.
I and the Father are one.
We must be that One in everything we think, say and do.
The inner and the outer are one in Spirit.
The three-dimensional world will benefit exponentially from your unwavering acceptance of spiritual identity & fourth dimension.
In reality there are no states & stages & levels of spiritual understanding.
But, alas, we need to wake up to this profound Truth.
Been trying to repair a shadow?
All pain, suffering, injustice, hardship is shadow in thought
The spiritual universe alone is real
Spiritual rest
You have come so very far
in your spiritual awareness.
Don’t let a human sense of ‘rest’ slip in:
you need no human ‘rest’, but vigilance
and keen spiritual awareness, which
surpasses the sublimest so-called
rest that the body ever knew!