How often have we heard a Christian respond, “That’s New Age thinking”. How many even know what “New Age” means? The foundation of New Age is based on the use of the Mind (the Psyche), not the Spirit. Most Believers are not even aware in the Spirit, but rather, most adhere to a program of beliefs learned in church. Affirmations, for example, have a very positive appeal to many, but in reality they are just the employment of one thought to combat another thought. Here again, this has nothing to do with awakening to our true Nature (as originally revealed by Jesus). This inner awakening, unfortunately, is not even taught in our church communities. So, most Believers live their lives from the thoughts of the natural mind and assume that their church experience is as good as it gets.
~Frank Johnson
Monthly Archives: April 2018
How can I get to that perfect spiritual awareness?
I earnestly believe that the answer you’re looking for is – after all the sincere efforts have been made to get to that ultimate spiritual yearning – to declare within yourself that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is more important, that you don’t mind doing WHATEVER IT TAKES in your unique case … that the original problem no longer means anything … and all you want is to know that you are in your true identity as “I-Spirit” (God living AS you). It’s a matter of arriving at THIS POINT that God can take over and you literally FEEL the shackles drop off all around you, many of which you didn’t even know you were wearing. Whether it was a lot of stillness, a lot of asking, a lot of reciting mantras or other affirmations, a lot of blocking out the world mind, or multifarious combinations of the above, whether it took minutes or decades or lifetimes << all of that was your unique way of getting 'there'. Don't forget that your whole lifetime has brought you to this unique moment of receptivity where Spirit, your true Self can finally take over.
Rethinking forgiveness
Haven’t we been taught that forgiveness is such a godly thing to do? That it is the epitome of love in action? Think again in the light of pure Spirit.
As long as we hold a nation or a person in forgiveness we are actually judging them and declaring that there is a place where God isn’t or wasn’t.
Separated beings – him and her, me and you, them and us – don’t exist in Spirit. We are, in fact, all one: ONE indivisible, invisible, infinite whole, called God, who is incapable of errancy of any kind.
I had always thought that forgiveness was so magnanimous and yet I still struggled with it, unaware that my every effort to forgive was really claiming that the hypnosis of belief in separate individuals and issues was real, something other than my thought externalized – like sense-mind forms.
So the challenge I ultimately posed to myself became “Are you going to believe the sense impressions of a matter-based world mind or the omnipresent Oneness of Spirit, God?”
We must control our mind!
We absolutely must gain control over our mind. It will never do anything to help us in this endeavor because it by definition is dedicated to the world mentality: it is the carnal mind.
This sham imitation of our mind or consciousness is unreal and that should give us much cause to take heart and even celebrate! We cannot be bullied by our own mind when we finally discover that we do in fact have the mind of Christ.
Whoever told us that we should doubt our oneness with God – our being the same BE-ING as God? There is no other being ‘out there’ to meddle with our perfect thinking and knowing of God’s allness.
Become aware of your triggers: we’re about to send them packing! For now just know that our perfect Mind is God and cannot know anything else.
When we think that we just can’t rise above some unwanted obsessive thoughts, we’re really saying that God is not All, opening the door wide for all kinds of unpleasantness – and worse – to gain a foothold in our life.
Understand that it is the real world of Spirit – right where the lying, hateful, self-destructive world of matter seems to be – that we want to hold uppermost in thought, until we finally know with every fiber of our spiritual being that God, infinite Mind, IS the only reality that there is.
Even with this unlimited, omniscient Mind of God that I have, I’m still at a loss to describe the ineffable freedom and power that accompany such an inestimable awakening.
~Dr. Robin Starbuck
Jesus in my life
Robin, I wanted to thank you for writing so beautifully about speaking with Jesus: it is becoming part of my inquiry and meditation practice. Such Peace! Have a wonderful, blessed weekend. Much Love, Light and Gratitude to you. ☀️
Hey Colin! Always know when I don’t respond immediately it’s coz I’m overwhelmed and lack the words to adequately thank you for your kind & encouraging words. I don’t perceive Jesus like religious Christians do, and never have. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let them tell me I don’t have a right to everything Jesus came to give. I’ve never imagined myself sitting and chatting with a 33-year old man with sandy-colored hair and blue eyes. But I do relate to him transfigured. You know, Colin, there seems to be a most unfortunate continuum where Bible-thumping, Jesus-in-the-flesh worshiping people are at one end and “don’t-mention-Jesus’-name Hindus, Jews, etc, etc are at the other end. I wish to have this non-vision purged!
I went through a period of suspending judgement and read a lot of Jesus-as-God literature. But to tell the truth I always reserved a Goldsmith-ian “He’s God and so am I and so are you.” But the simplest little prayer-like petitions of “Jesus, help! ” and “Thank you Jesus!” never fail to bring happy results. Go, figure! :p Love ya, Colin!
Miracles happen when you’re refocused
I can’t stress this enough
coz it keeps happening to me:
Want/need a miracle?
Look completely away from
the need, and be so absorbed
in the larger demonstration
that you l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y don’t care
at all anymore about the physical
manifestation since a-l-l of your
attention has been permanently
refocused. Your new attitude:
“I don’t even remember the issue
that brought me to my spiritual knees.
They can take it, and so can I. Let this
enable me to hear You (my true Self)
better and I’m already a happy camper!”
Miracles happen! 😀 Timing’s amazing!
Higher attainment
but it just seems that some people,
like myself, need something of a
traumatic challenge to get where
they really want to be!
I wish it weren’t so, but at least
I’ve finally understood its function.
I want to go higher in my apprehension
so I guess I’ll lay back and patiently
wait for God in all His wisdom & timing..
. W R O N G !!! That’s just as wrong as
you can get!
We’re the ones who need to get over our
God doesn’t move on our behalf.
We must hunger and thirst so bad
that we get over ourselves and our
little comforts and silly joys.
sublime, glorious, freeing, amazing and
downright wonderful!
Is it any wonder that it doesn’t
accompany a lazy, cozy, self-serving
total lack of full commitment?
What are we thinking? Feeling? Doing?
Does it represent our Christ mind’s best?
We can discover multifarious checks
to know if we’re fully connected, such as
● Do we love every single person who
comes to mind, with tender affection?
● Are we understanding more and more
that things had to happen as they did?
● Are we feeling the presence of Jesus?
● Are we relishing every moment of
every day, knowing we are Spirit itself?
● Has flipping back and forth between
Spirit and matter begun to cease?
● Can you name 100 more examples?
In critical need of help?
Are you in critical need of help? I may be able to assist in the area of connecting with God and staying connected by maintaining an attitude of “going for the higher demonstration.”
I have found that when I no longer am seeking a result that I feel is sorely needed but only want to think, feel and act according to spiritual reality where God is Omnipotent and everywhere present, when I no longer have any answers, therefore no specific requests, doors open up, brand new information becomes available miraculously, in short – things happen! Am I making sense to you? It’s a shift in … everything, a foray into a higher realm where God is All and error is naught. I know this applies to everything: it’s all about what is really here now instead of the seeming and is applicable to everything.

Jesus stepped out of the world of atoms & saw “I and Father are ONE”
How about we emulate Him?
Holy diet: no atoms for me, please!
I am not in form.
This is the Christ teaching.
It’s about beholding a new heaven & new earth right here & … as soon as we awaken
Reading a lot? Listening too? Thinking you ought to apply more?
Do it!
Take your next thought & ask what Jesus would have thought.
Before quarks, gen’l relativity, space-time, unified fields and strings vibrating musically, there was #CONSCIOUSNESS
Wherever I am God is & wherever God is I am.
God is never in time so in reality neither are we.
We’re eternal not affected by time
D’ya have a few annoying glitches in your otherwise perfect bod?
Just a few tweaks, God, & I’ll be on my way…
‘Nuf said?
False consciousness of world is all around you.
Don’t be afraid of this FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS:
unmask it and see what’s really there
The counterfeit mind will always see lack, fear, sickness, death
But I = Father within you
I = Spirit
Don’t bother resisting evil: it’s no part of the real universe of Spirit.
I-Spirit doesn’t see, feel, know that which isn’t there!
Jesus walked right through the midst of his mortal enemies!!!
He saw only what was really there.
Transformation isn’t for the future:
It’s your very consciousness instead of cosmic world of duality and illusion.
Know God aright
Is love bursting forth in your consciousness so forcefully that you can no longer settle for the limitations of yesterday? #AWAKEN
Cosmic shadow:
belief that we are trapped in a physical form.
As we drop such false beliefs, we’ll EXPERIENCE
the risen Christ.
We need not look with human eyes anymore.
Can you recognize the divinity of everyone?
“I, in the midst of you”
I Am … You.
I = Self that is God. Resurrection is the return to reality! We’ve dropped our toys!!
“Oh, dear God, please do this or that”
sounds like we’re missing the mark.
God’s work is done.
GOD -I-S- ALL (includes us).
Spiritually speaking, when we judge someone, guess what?
They’re not even there!
We’re judging our own distorted concept of them!
So, you got yourself deeply committed to doing God’s will, right?
Got really busy?
You’ll soon see River of Life carries you along
In Spirit all of mortal history
In the absence of ‘you’ (not the presence), Jesus could do his wonderful works.
‘You’ => mortal selfhood.
I-Spirit = Omnipresence.
The absence of you = presence of your Christ-self.
The absence of your physical being = absence of your physical sense of world.
The infinite invisible universe that’s all around us
is here
The kingdom of God is eternal life.
As a fleshly human being, you cannot know (the kingdom of) God.
Thankfully, we have God within
The kingdom of God is life without end.
Renounce all beliefs that would deny immortality.
While appearing in flesh, I am I-Spirit.
The child of God knows that matter is not God’s creation
“My Father is the only Being, Substance, Spirit, Immortality, Perfection”
You can have your life in your living soul
or you can live in your fleshly dream.
But :p
You can’t have both!
Human mind is only adversary I ever had
When it speaks my consciousness rises in opposition.
I’m in my soul so it dissolves itself
What are you forgiving the other fellow for?
Really? Or, did he offend ur false sense of self?
Hmmm… #NoDualism
This mind that gets offended easily, whose back goes up when people do things it wishes they wouldn’t
isn’t a mind at all.
We look out upon our sense impressions & call them ‘form’ ‘matter’ ‘object’.
They’re none of these.
Inside there’s I-Spirit, God.
Please don’t get me wrong on this
I’ve been at it looong time & yet my greatest spiritual breakthroughs came after major struggles
Flesh is flesh.
Spirit is Spirit.
They can’t mingle.
If you believe in one, you can’t believe in the other. #DEHYPNOTIZE
There’s no human me here at all.
I’m neither a physical form, mind nor body.
I am a spiritual soul,
no part of the cosmic dream!
When emergencies strike, suddenly people will cease dilly-dally, claim their spiritual exemption & start feeling mighty grateful.
We’re so unbelievably unaware of the will of God.
We can only know this through contemplative meditation.
I am not afraid of storms for I know how to sail my ship.
-Louisa May Alcott
Prudence Mukosha Manda
Living only in Father entails
● Giving up world.
● Giving up false consciousness.
● Accepting no place in universe outside Father.
That which is looking at a false image has created the false image and is now judging its creation!!!
Forgive the whole sense delusion world and watch illness disappear, supply delivered, joy abounding and yourself free!
I wonder what would happen if we were to dispense with all religious titles…
You cannot preserve your material body, and yet Jesus says that whoever loses his (matter-based) life shall find it (eternal life)
A God too big to question is a God too small to worship.
~Jeff Turner
Over the years I’ve heard so much really good stuff about forgiveness
Really really good!
Only problem is it doesn’t work.
When you still have that gnawing in the stomach after many many years of trying to forgive it’s time to quit.
God has a better way
Certain down-pulling issue – out!
I’ll bet there’s a certain issue
that’s always there to grab you
and pull you back into its web.
That issue, that web, that hypnotic
hold never e-v-e-r had a foothold
in reality. When you see that truth
for the first time again, this time
don’t let go. Hold on for dear Life.
Hold on to the issue with its dismissal.
Hold on, hold on, hold on and see
the full true glory that always was
right where the aforementioned issue
seemed to be.
This time it’s different: the lie is out!
You need to accept a tremendous
amount of freedom and power like
you’ve never e-v-e-r known before.
Yes you need to let this be your giant
step into spiritual bliss, and feel what
it’s like to really, really 😀 smile 😀 !!