You’ll find that you are already being lifted into a different state of awareness.
You’re picking up things that will be impossible to pick up with the human mind.
Instead, the Spirit flows and defines Itself, teaching you things you could know no other way.
And then somehow, things manifest in your life in a more exalted and noble state.
Monthly Archives: November 2017
Quantum and us – hf
QUANTUM PHYSICS IS FAST DISCOVERING THAT All around us right now, is a Kingdom where death does not exist, where there is not a single problem, where there is nothing as we know it with our human mind. There is a completely different universe present here now, in which none of the physical or mental images that we entertain are present.
People hear my southern accent and automatically assume I’m stupid. Let me tell you something right now – that is just a coincidence. MC
The person that named the eggplant probably isn’t allowed to name things anymore. RL
My friend asked me why scuba divers always fall backwards into the water. I told him if they fell forwards they would still be in the boat. RL
I couldn’t fix your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
Quietude is
* * * Keep Quiet * * *
When I speak about quietness –
when I tell you to keep quiet –
it is not easy for everyone to follow.
Most people here are from different
backgrounds, practices, sadhanas;
and therefore feel they need to do something,
to put something into practice.
When I say, “Keep quiet.” it is not a practice.
There is nothing to be done and nothing to be undone.
This cannot be followed.
There is nothing to think about,
no need to make any kind of effort.
This is an indication of the quietness I am speaking about.
Truth always exists. Existence alone is.
It is called satyam.
We speak about enlightenment,
but first we have created bondage.
Bondage does not exist.
How can you remove that which does not exist?
First, teachers impose a concept of bondage
and then various practices are prescribed.
There may be millions of books in the world,
thousands more are published every day.
Nowhere does it say, “Be quiet”.
When you simply say “Keep quiet,”
what is the rest of the book to be about?
There is no ignorance at all;
there is only existence – there is only satyam.
If you simply keep quiet you will know that only this exists.
Before the sun rises early in the morning
it does not first try to remove the darkness of the night.
The sun does not say, “Let me brush away the darkness
and only then, in the daytime, I will rise.”
For the sun there is no night,
there is no darkness to be removed.
The sun does not even know that such a thing as night exists. What practice is needed to remove darkness,
where is this darkness?
All practices imply the reality of darkness, of ignorance,
when in fact they do not exist.
The river in the sand is a mirage;
it does not exist, it never existed.
If you go closer and closer the sand not even is wet;
it is only a belief that makes us run after a mirage, nothing else.
There is only satyam; there is only Truth.
What need is there of practice?
It is only practice which is concealing the truth.
~ Sri Papaji
* * *
How to stop thinking?
Papaji: By Being!
When you think that you are an object, a person, a body, or
some other idea, but by Being there is nothing!
Just Being.
And Being is already there.
You are always Being.
To become something you must meditate and perform some mantra, ritual, practice.
Just to Be is simple.
Without Being you can’t do any practice.
So don’t think of anything else.
Just Be!
It is so easy to Be.
Question: But when I try to just be, so much thinking happens.
I am sure everyone has this problem.
Papaji: Thinking happens when you want to become something.
Then you must think.
But to not become something what is there to do?
Stay as you are!
Be as you are in whatever circumstances,
just always Be, It doesn’t need any practice.
Whatever you get by practice you will lose,
but Being will never be lost because you will not get it by any experience or practice.
It simply is, Simply Be.
Don’t stir your mind in Being,
don’t think and don’t make effort.
I will tell you how to be Being itself.
No effort, no thinking.
Avoid thinking and avoid not thinking.
What is between these two?
~ Sri Papaji
* * * Try it for one week & See what happens * * *
Just sit still at home in Silence
and stop the mind from thinking.
That’s the easiest way, the best way, the simplest way.
For one week, I would like you to experiment.
I don’t want you to read any book.
Don’t look at any spiritual literature.
Just sit by yourself as much as you can.
And watch your mind, watch your mind.
Do whatever you have to do to slow down the mind,
and then you’re going to be amazed.
You will laugh at yourself.
For when the mind becomes quiescent,
Reality will rush in.
And you will see it so simple, it’s so simple.
~Robert Adams
When you enter the silence you enter a profound peace, bliss consciousness, pure awareness.
That’s what the silence is.
It’s not being quiet.
It’s beyond that.
It’s not just quieting your mind, like I say all the time.
It’s understanding that there’s no mind to quiet.
When you realize there’s no mind,
you automatically become silent.
When you still think you’ve got a mind,
you make every effort to quiet the mind, and you can’t.
How many of you believe you can quiet the mind through effort?
You can’t do that.
It’s not the effort that makes you quiet your mind.
It’s the intelligent understanding that
you have no mind to begin with.
Then you just keep still and everything takes care of itself.
Mysticism defined
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). The manner in which western religion teaches the Bible, says to me that we have mistaken cerebral knowledge for mystical knowing. Our western mindset defines the word mystery as something that can’t be fully understood but that’s not the biblical meaning of mystery. Biblical mystery is not something you cannot understand, but it is something that is endlessly understandable. It is multilayered and pregnant with meaning and never admits to closure or resolution. Paul refers to it as the “hidden wisdom of God that we teach in our mysteries…things beyond the mind of humanity that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:6-9). It’s “knowing spiritual things spiritually” (1 Cor. 2:13). In other words, it could not be communicated to people who didn’t have at least some level of inner experience. It is that necessity of personal experience that gives life and wisdom to all things divine. The death burial and resurrection of Jesus is a doctrine that all Christians would intellectually assent to, but is obvious by their life that it’s an intellectual belief system and not living faith. We move from one to the other only through encounter, surrender, trust, and the inner experience of presence and power. Biblical mystery does not recognize this self-made autonomous “getting it right” agenda that you see in western fundamentalism.
~Stan Tyra
Recommended Reading:
Hey Robin I’ve just read quantum glory for the 4th time through. Could you give me a few more of your recommended reads that fall into that same category ?
Lance Dodd
Recommended Reading:
Well, Lance, first I’d have to recommend ●Quantum Dimensions of Healing by Dr. Robin Starbuck
●Beyond the Cosmos, Dr. Hugh Ross
●The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden
●Entanglement, Gregg Braden
●The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav
●Quantum Dimension, Lawrence Dawson
●The Self-Aware Universe, Amit Goswami
●The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene
●God Created the Integers, Stephen Hawking
●Physics and Beyond, Wenger Heisenberg
●The Creator and the Cosmos, Hugh Ross
●The Study of Mathematics, Bertrand Russell
●My View of the World, Erwin Schrödinger
Breaking the world hypnosis
“I stand in Divinity. “Thou seest me, thou seest the Father.” Thou seest the Divine Self. Even to consider this, is the beginning of breaking the world hypnosis, which has buried the Christ in our midst.” HF
You have just come out of hypnotism John
You have just come out of hypnotism John, that’s what has happened to you. I am you, and you are just awakening to that truth. When you accepted Christ, you merely accepted that there was no John. And you will discover when you accept I am Christ, the Christ within will let you know that there is only Christ where you stand. You might as well start knowing that now, because that is the purpose of this Revelation. You are not there at all, Christ is. That’s your name. When you accept Christ, you will discover only Christ is where you are. The first and the last means, the only. You are now the living Son of God. In your acceptance, you come out of the hypnotism of the mortal self.
~Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine
The Goal is to step out of mortality
… When I and Thou are Christ in our consciousness, when that is what we are striving to accept, we are now ready to serve the Father that day, glorifying not the counterfeit human ego, but the divine Self. Then we are ready for what John wants to tell us. And the presumption is that we here today, are in that state of consciousness which, although we have not risen to be the realized Christ twenty-four hours a day, we are those striver’s for God who accept the goal is Christhood. THE GOAL IS TO STEP OUT OF MORTALITY [caps mine]. The goal is oneness with God. The goal is to be the living Son of the living God. And to the degree that we have accepted this as our goal, and are endeavoring to the very best of our ability to be faithful to this goal, to that degree we are walking under Grace. For the Father which seeth in secret, is ever protecting those who walk the narrow path of Spirit.
~ Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine