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Monthly Archives: September 2017
Did you ever notice that the moment you get re-plugged in and become re-aware of who you are you’re no longer concerned with getting anything at all? Your joy returns tenfold and everyone around you starts exuding the same lightness and happiness and, oh yes – love!
This is highly contagious!!! Let the whole world catch it and rejoice!
What did you just do? How can you bottle it and keep it for next time you need it? Here’s how: REST in God’s love and think of the larger picture.
Everything is already completely done. Finished. Complete. Perfect. Don’t think for a moment that this doesn’t include you, your world, your universe – God IS all of them. Right now. Here.
Knowing all of this with absolutely no doubt whatsoever, I’m at a loss to try to explain why the supplication “Jesus, help!” ALWAYS WORKS!! It’s uncanny to my now lofty mind, but hey, I’ll take it!
One absolute statement of Truth
NEWSFLASH !! . One absolute statement of Truth contains all the Truth that any other statement contains. I have proven this more times than I can possibly count!
Just carry one around with you ‘tween your ears and apply it to everything under the sun. When you get done, reapply it!
How does that sit with you regarding the utter simplicity of living the Oneness of God? I’ll tell you something else that is unspeakably simple: God will change your wants if you’ll let Him.
How does He do that? When He’s good and ready? When He’s been entreated sufficiently? When one is lucky enough? No! No! No! And no! Sweetheart, it’s already done! And that’s just about the greatest gospel that there is!!
God’s work is already done. It’s ours for the nanosecond it takes us to awaken!