When you’re walking down the street
and you see something not quite right;
Not an accurate manifestation
of the allness of God and his Love;
Perhaps an obese gentleman
or a crippled lady
or a sad and sickly child,
See them as Jesus sees them
every whit whole, healed and happy!
Then take those persons
who never cease coming to your mind,
Deserving or not – see them
Pure as the driven snow,
Sweet as a bouncing babe,
See them, see them, see them
As you would like to see
your own self be.
Monthly Archives: July 2017
My kingdom is not of this world.
Tell them all this, Robin
Robin, I want you to tell them again how easy it is to listen to Me and just let Me take over their prayer time. Remind them that they can jump-start a conversation with Me or rather a listening session from Me by jump-starting it like you would a car that doesn’t start in the morning and needs to connect two engines by jumper cables! Now you don’t need to walk in a halting manner because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your body at all. There’s nothing wrong with Me so there’s nothing wrong with you. Your breathing, your vision, your hearing, your digesting: perfect perfect perfect perfect – just like Me. After all, I’m the very stuff from whence you came!! They loved it when you told them yesterday:
…..”God isn’t perfect: He is Perfection.
God isn’t spiritual: He is Spirit.
God isn’t loving: He is Love.
We have emerged from God.” …..
That’s where you’re all from – from Me!!!! Not even molded – sometimes imperfectly – by Me: oh no! You ARE Me … as a drop of water is fully Water!!! But we don’t start with a human ego-laden mind and try to see what we in the flesh want. We see as God, Mind, Soul, Spirit.
Tell them I want to talk to them too – very personally, very intimately. I just want them to see what’s really going on right where jealousy, hatred, conniving, back-stabbing seem to be I AM there INSTEAD. And Robin tell them I love them as My very own Life!
A dichotomy
I have such mixed feelings about mega-churches, mega-conferences and rock-star pastors & musicians. On the one hand thousands and thousands of young people are getting all excited about the Lord. They do what young people do, expressing themselves with love, awe, respect and few, if any, inhibitions! How great is that!
But the aspect of never making a real solid effort to get to know the true nature and essence of God and how to make a genuine contact with Him … this is almost criminal! Not knowing the actual kingdom of God and how to become more and more aware of its ever-presence … well, there’s no excuse for it!
What Would Robin Do? I’d treat the two factions quite the opposite. I’d tell the Mega people that if they care one iota about the God that they think they’re promoting, they must make a good strong confession over and over again loudly, even musically, that this party atmosphere is merely an introduction … and not the real essence … of God.
And I’d yell at the uptight book-writing intellectuals to get out and live the joy, passion and ecstacy of the most incredible Messiah the world has ever known. Yeah, that’s what I’d do.
Finished & ready *
I believe so COMPLETELY in the FINISHED WORK of Jesus that I find pleading with Him to be a negative approach at best. He has done ALL that He ever needed to do to give us the perfection that we crave. We just don’t trust Him enough. He even set up a whole new covenant for us which began after the cross. We need to glean more and more knowledge of the vast immensity of this amazing God of ours, who is pure Love. We need to dis-cover how it is that every promise He has ever made is in fact true. We need to want Him more than our daily food. God IS the answer to every ‘need’ that arises. Have we really, really put Him first? Instead of pleading with God to do what He’s already done, we need to enlighten the sufferer as to the true nature of God. People don’t need a temporary expedient: they need Jesus. They can have Him living on the inside of them INSTEAD of believing that they need to look to a third person to effect healing in their lives.