Who/Where are you?
Where is the “I” –
That is you?
In your feet?
Your knees?
Your chest?
Your head?
When you see something lovely,
What is actually doing the seeing?
I mean, what’s in back of your eyes,
Looking out?
Why, that’s God!!
He lives in you, as you.
Who does the hearing, thinking, feeling?
God. God. God.
It’s really true –
I and my Father are One.
Monthly Archives: November 2016
The actual presence of God
When the actual presence of God – not just thinking about God – comes to you, you have entered spiritual life. Until then, you’re the “natural man” whom Paul says is not under the law of God, neither indeed can be.
A stirring will take place within you. God’s life becomes your life and you no longer have a life of your own. You’ll then see that this life that you’re living … is God! Surrender the belief that you were born on a certain date and will die on a certain date and assume your immortality. Not after you die, but before you were born. You can’t make it so: it already is so. You don’t make it so through being good: you merely discover that it is so. “I live, yet not I; Christ lives as me.” “I am come that you might have life and that you might have life more abundantly.” That was God speaking through Jesus. “I can of mine own self do nothing.” God, the Father, always announces Himself so that you’ll know it’s God. There is only one source of your life: God: “Fear not, I am with you.” My presence goes before you. My kingdom is established within you. I, Me, My = God. His kingdom is within you and flows from within you.
Simeon Edigbe commented: Resurrection has happened to the believer. Immortality is living large as Jesus is the immorality of the Father. The undoing of the work of sin in the garden has introduced us to His eternal presence.
Religion’s purpose
“We don’t need religion to love our neighbor. But we do need religion to disregard our neighbor and still feel good about ourselves.”
Tomsan Kattackal
Where in the world are you?
Look down at your feet.
Is that You down there?
Or, are those Your feet?
Now go to your knees
Are they You?
Is your waist You
Or, yours?
Go all the way up your body
To the topmost hair on your head.
It isn’t You, is it?
So, where in the world are you?
I am not in my body and I am not my body. I am living my Father’s life and He is living my life: I and my Father are One. God is the life of me, the being of me, the soul of me: my body is the temple of the living God.
Collection from ‘puter
Memes 14
14 memes
When we become fully aware of God within us, prayers for ourselves become redundant and unnecessary because we already have everything we could possibly want within us. A child of God will literally pray for his enemies instead and come to realize that praying for one’s enemies is tantamount to having no enemies. And that’s a very lovely place to be!

Speak unto this mountain and tell it to fall into the sea was not about murdering all the people that were around and on the mountain: it was about seeing the will of God done in our lives. Yes, it is about our empowerment since God Himself is within us. How God’s way gets carried out amidst a myriad of disparate wishes and opinions is a piece of cake for God Almighty! He stretches and suddenly they all come together miraculously! Then believers – true believers – in ecstacy start praising God while psychoanalysts and demon pursuers start explaining things away until finally they come under God’s dominion as well!
Turning to God (quite a gymnastic trick since He’s inside you) can bring a world of … healing … to any situation, from a baby’s booboo to the impending devastation of the entire planet. The absolute WORST thing you can do – in this regard – is to put God to a test that could best be described as ‘Let’s just see what God’s gonna do for us who have zero confidence in Him, who believe miracles are tantamount to fairytales, and who would throw a monkey wrench into the efforts of those who “blindly” believe that God lives on the inside of them.'”