Have you been cheated?
And you just can’t let it go?
May I ask you one question, please?
Who would you rather have restore you –
Him or her?
Or, God?
Talk to yourself differently now:
“Thank God I’m completely whole and free,
And so far above my self of yesterday.
I don’t need Jan or Jon to change anything
As I am soaring so far above all of that
And can now look upon everyone
With the tenderest love and compassion
And be exactly who God created me to be.
Monthly Archives: October 2016
If you’re gonna judge
Someone or something
While you’re full of prejudice
That is, prejudgement,
How you gonna be able
To judge with accurate
And impartial judgement
Without committing the awful
Act of Judgmentalism?
SOMEWHERE BETWEEN 12 AND 15 YEARS OF AGE, I HEARD OF A UNIQUE DIVE called the cannonball. I had been watching some of the older kids dive into the river with amazing elegance. I began to reason that a cannonball is very do-able and has perfect safety measures built into it: you jump up and grab both legs tightly and tuck your head in as you jump off the diving board. You could then spin around as much as you want in any direction as it doesn’t matter at which angle your body hits the water ’cause you’re as round as a ball. I COULD COMPLETELY IMAGINE THIS !!! . Then my tender young mind reasoned (all mentally so far) that one could form a cannonball and at the last minute open up into a beautiful dive. All totally imaginable! Finally I tried it: after five or six successful cannonballs (no belly-flops!), I began to open up at the last moment. It was surreal!! . What a thrill!! . Soon I began applying this IMAGINATION to back flips!!! . Wooo-hoo!!
Why don’t people just “get it”?
Hebrews 13:5 KJV
… I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Matthew 28:20 KJV
… lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
It’s tradition, habit, upbringing, it is learned behavior and activity of what they think you are suppose to do in order to reach God, they still do not believe that they are one with Christ/God. They still perceive Him as being way out in the cosmos, way out and up somewhere in the sky. Lastly: They simply do not even “hear” what they are saying because it is “AUTO-PILOT” talking and begging!!! It is so hard to let them continue on that path, so we just have to bring awareness in grace as much as possible!!!
Flora Samuel

How did Jesus heal?
Brian Lawrence
Neville teaches that the Kingdom of God is within us, and that this world is the outpicturing of our imagination. As a man thinks in his heart (beliefs), so is he, and guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. These two pieces of scripture describe how life is lived. We are not experiencing life as if we were dropped into a movie that is constantly ongoing, but rather, the movie IS OF OUR CREATION. That is how he talks on stopping time/space and recreating as necessary. EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO THE DREAMER WHICH IS GOD IN YOU! How did Jesus heal people? He imagined them well, and in their agreement through belief, it sealed it as true. Boom, any two agreed and touched and it was so. Neville never really touched on quantum physics, but in my own studies, I know the quantum field to be the “substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” Our thoughts are of the quantum realm. Just like the video of the train, the perspective that we choose to take literally becomes true! We can CHOOSE to shift into any reality that we prefer. It is called “quantum leaping.” [Quantum jumping is the shifting yourself into an alternate reality of yourself that already exists. “You are somewhere in your future, and you look much better than you look right now.”]
We no longer have to abide by the crude tasks of physically forming our environment around us, we believe it to be so, and at a quantum level, forces shift to support that thing believed. Where 99.99% of believers fail is that they look toward their circumstances to verify that which they believe. That belief undermines one’s belief that “we walk by faith, and not by sight.” Once we believe something to be true inside of us, the outside is surely to manifest, even if it seems to take longer than expected. “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” This is Job, channeling the pre-incarnate Spirit of Christ, and the ultimate in power over death. We know that we have been given power over death, when we KNOW that though our bodies may wear out, and we APPEAR TO DIE, the Spirit of LIFE is so one with us, that we will be raised up, because life is life, and that is just who we are. Everything is happening within us. This life is a classroom that teaches the sons of God to overcome limitations imposed, that require the mastering of this realm called death and hell. BTW, hell is just the state of existence without (sin) the knowledge of one’s origination. Heaven is the state of being fully aware of one’s righteousness in Christ. It is not a place in the traditional sense. Heaven is in our thoughts created by our higher nature, and hell is in our thoughts created by our base nature, or physical needs. The two trees discussed in Genesis are the two foundations FROM which all thoughts are formed. Dualistic thoughts are created from our lower nature, and the knowledge of ONENESS, and UNION with the Father, is created from the mind of Christ. I could go on forever, but I see that I have written quite the book just now. Maybe I will do just that, as I feel that someone needs to pick up where Neville left off.
Brian Lawrence

Eschatology 101 – Definitions
Beast – secular government
Harlot – religion
Mark of the Beast – mindset of one indoctrinated through secular government
Christ – the mindset of one set free from the world system
AntiChrist – “in place of” Christ. The mindset of the world system that declares “government is the answer”
Just beginning to knock over some incorrect definitions of common “end time phrases,” that will open people up to being able to understand Bible prophecy. It is all a pattern, not a history book. Comments welcome.
Brian Lawrence
Anonymous: “Would call it Preterism 101”
Actually no. My “theology” cannot be labeled. This is not preterism, as I only believe that scripture is fulfilled as if a script has already been written, but I am experiencing it in me. Big difference. It is a pattern that plays out in the ages.
Brian Lawrence
I was just over on your blog . . . .
I was just over on your blog …. one thing was about our wants. Anything you want. I put it to the tune anything you you got it by Roy Orbison! I will sing this with a new perspective, Any I want I’ve got it! So many scriptures come to mind! God will withhold no good thing from me. God has given us all things that pertain to live and godliness….on and on..and on…wow!! I am sowing these deep in my heart!!!
Pat Fraser
Take a moment to consider that God is everything. Not a being on the outside, but the spirit in everyone, across all forms and faces. God dwells in you, whether you know it to be so or not. This is not to assert that you are a house for God, and you invite ‘him’ in to visit, it is that you are God in your spirit, in your imagination. Just like everyone and everything else. Every person on Earth is God too, whether they agree to this or not. The entire world is God, although awakening to it is to be truly alive. When Jesus said he is God’s son, he meant he is of God, but this statement is not limited to Jesus, for to follow the analogy further, we are all God’s sons and daughters, no better or worse than one another are.
How To Read The Bible
As taught by Neville Goddard
A Guide to the Human Imagination Understanding Scripture
Neville Goddard & Levi Elton