Monthly Archives: October 2016

This Self of you, this being which is your being, this selfhood of you, this is already the life of you, the immortality of you, the support, the supply, the infinite nature of your demonstration – from everlasting to everlasting – and you cannot add to it. You can only, in the words of Browning, “Open out a way for this imprisoned splendor to escape”.
Joel S. Goldsmith

Run away! Run away! Seek! Search! Chase until he’s down in the gutter broken in body broken in mind broken in spirit and then in that vacuum the still small voice comes and says “I have never left you. I will never leave you. I will be with you until the end of the world.”
Francis Thompson
The Hound of Heaven

But, oh, we have to be so beaten before we can make room in our consciousness. We have to be so beaten, in such suffering that the mind can’t think anymore because we won’t stop it; but if we could accept the Master’s statement “The kingdom of God is within you”… it must announce itself to you, and it will always do it with the word “I”: I will never leave you. Fear not – I am with you. I will be with you until the end of the world. I am your bread, your wife, and your water. I am the resurrection of your life. I am your life eternal. And then you will find you have bridged over this entire span of mortality. You have put off mortality and have put on immortality the moment you no longer think about God and let yourself be aware of God – the moment you stop thinking, reasoning, planning, hoping, struggling, striving. Wait in patience until the voice speaks to you even if not an audible tones even if in suggestion, even if in feeling, even if in an interference or impression, as long as it comes to you from the depths of your withinness, God has announced itself to you and then God is on the field and then God is living your life and you repeat in the words of Paul ” I live, yet not I it is the presence of God within me that is living my life. I have surrendered this egotistical sense that believes it can know God it can think God that it can influence God, direct God, pray to God all of which is utter nonsense.
Joel S. Goldsmith

It would be so simple for the world to be at peace, for the world to know abundance, for the world to know true joy but it isn’t ever going to until it is able to discard mortality and put on immortality and that can only come about in one way – to know him aright. And to know him aright means developing that listening ear, developing that inner alertness that is always awake always alert always on guard for the hearing that might come through or the feeling that may come through from within.
Joel S. Goldsmith

If the word “God” gives you any trouble, stop it! Stop thinking about it! Just acknowledge that the life of your being is the God you’re thinking about. You don’t know what that is and never can know because all you can see is the effect of that life. You can feel your heart beating or you can feel your blood flowing. You can feel a sense of love and joy within you,or intelligence, but these are only effects! You have no idea what it is that is being intelligent through you or being loving through you or being generous through you or patient through you. You can’t know that. You can only know effects, but you can acknowledge Him “in all Thy ways”. You can acknowledge that there is something that is your selfhood. And that will stop you from having a god afar off and that will stop you from trying to contact God , that will stop you from searching for God and that will give yourself an opportunity to let God catch up with you and reveal Himself to you in all His glory, in all his perfection, in all his Immortal nature and being, reveal himself AS YOU : the father showing himself forth AS THE SON. God the Father, God the son.” Always remember that: God is the father but God is the Son. “I and my father are one.” “When thou seest me thou seest him that sent me.”
From Joel S. Goldsmith audio

Take that word “I” and look at it. You see now how you could meditate. Realize that I am closer to me than my breathing. I am closer to me than my own hands and feet.

[Robin interjected: God is the Self, the one that does the seeing, the one that does the lifting and the thinking and the feeling and the projecting That’s who I am.]

I who am in the midst of thee is mighty. This very I that I am, the bread of life, the wine, the water, the center from which flows my whole daily Human Experience. The issues of Life are Harmony, peace, Joy, dominion, which flow out from within me affecting my world, my body, my home my Human Relationships, my family, my business and community.

All power is embodied in the I that I am. I may not fear what a man can do to me. I mean I can’t fear what Mortal circumstance or condition can do to me for I am the embodiment of God power. I embody God power, God being, God presence, God dominion. God gave me dominion over all that there is, over the sky, the air, the Earth and beneath the water. I … I embody Dominion. I am Dominion. I have dominion. Do I need anything? I have meat that the world knows not of. I have it, I embody it, I include it. In the I that I am I can feed the multitudes, heal, comfort, and help the multitudes because God has given me Dominion. The spirit of the Lord God is upon me. The whole presence of God constitutes the very I that I am. My being is made up of God. God constitutes the I that I am and by this relationship has given me Dominion. There is no power to act upon me that is outside of me. No power of weather or climate, or food, infection or Contagion, economics, philosophy, theology. They’re not powers external to my being. ALL power is embodied in the I that I already am because this God power is gentle and good and it flows out from me like a benediction to every one who reaches my Consciousness who touches my consciousness be they Friend or Foe, Saint or sinner. I do not need to have desires for I have within the I that I am a power of fulfillment. There can be no unfulfilled desires or wants or needs for I have plenty of the power of Resurrection, the Lost Years of the Locust, and if you meditate that way for some weeks or months or maybe even years you will see that you will reach the State of Consciousness that it will no longer be necessary. You will just sit down and instantly feel the spirit of God upon you. There will not have to be any words or thoughts because the experience of it will be there. When the experience is there you don’t need any words about it or thoughts about it.
RJS Dictation from
Joel S. Goldsmith via @youtube

Is your back against the wall?

Is Your Back Against the Wall?
I wish nothing for you – for your whole life – but great success, excellent health, wonderful friends, etc. I honestly do. But probably if you have all these things you won’t want to continue reading. On the other hand, if you need help, if you Really NEED help, you’re much more likely to open the receptors within that will ALLOW for the possibility that God is alive and well and living right there on the inside of you! How exciting is that! The unfortunate answer is that it’s usually not exciting at all until prompted by a dire predicament. So, let’s take a moment to thank God for this call on our lives and find out what He really has in store. When your back is to the wall you are potentially in a very GOOD place and you merely need to ask God to take over and talk to you from within.

Can children heal?

I fell in love with the Holy Spirit at about age 5, not by church-going,
nor following orders, but by taking a chance on God.
I had already experienced numerous remarkable healings and proofs of God’s care prior to that; but then one balmy summer day in June I felt deathly ill. Everything in me hurt so badly that I wanted to go to my mother and say WAAAAHH! I spotted her with my dad and grandparents, sitting under a lilac tree, reading the Bible together. Not wanting to disturb them, I lay back in bed and determined to try to endure the now-unbearable pain. I attempted to pray, but wound up…just listening. “God created you perfect, in His image and likeness. Can God have a tummy ache?” “No.” “Then, get up!” I tried to raise myself, but the pain was too much to bear. “Try again!” this inner voice shouted emphatically. As I struggled again to lift myself up, the excruciating pain began to withdraw a bit. It was still mind-numbingly difficult. I pushed and pushed and puuuussshhhed myself…all …the…way…..up! I was up!! There was no pain! It was completely gone and I felt ecstatic. Then God told me not to tell anyone about my experience just yet: keep it sacrosanct for a month or so as it will serve me well all my life. And so I did.