Monthly Archives: August 2016

Joyce on freely applying scriptures of your choice

….. (Dr. Robin Starbuck)
This morning Joyce did something I’ve never seen another pastor do. She
(1) demonstrated*
……. how to
(2) apply*
……. Bible selections
(3) of one’s own*
……. choosing.
People get jammed up when they feel they “should” read a certain amount of the Bible as well as pray for a certain period of time, when the fact is THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO DO !! They only needed such an unpretentious teacher like Joyce to SHOW how ANYONE CAN DO IT !! The notion that you need someone else to supply you with specific biblical quotes and that there’s some elusive pattern and method that you can learn is counter-productive at best!
Pick a place to start. Joyce likes Psalms or Proverbs while I’m more inclined to go to the New Testament. Start reading and then stop as soon as you come to something that resonates with you. Now RESTATE WHAT YOU’VE JUST READ. MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOU (OR, WHOEVER YOU’RE PRAYING FOR). Take your time and enjoy it: you’re doing God’s work now and you’re right in the center of His will. Feel His love enveloping you: Feel the Power! Keep reading until you come to another applicable idea. Use your own name and lingo. If you look around on the inside of you, you’ll observe uptightness and negative thinking melting away, replaced by that selfsame Love. Read a little more: you may or may not finish the chapter, but who’s counting? Certainly not God!! You may not have noticed it but your mind has been pretty much off the problem(s) you had been obsessing over. Am I right? Read just a bit more and apply it. You’ll begin to feel a sense of “job well done!” and yes, you can feel good about yourself now – even Jesus is smiling brightly!

Brian Lawrence intro: Neville Goddard (W Dyer), Joel S. Goldsmith (C.S.)

I see things differently than most AD70ers. I see the Bible as a pattern that plays out in a person, but with different players and different ages. I believe that the Kingdom of God is within each and every person, and that the Bible chronicles the states of consciousness that we all pass through on our way to the Promise that is sure to be manifested in us. Since I believe the Bible to be “divine history,” and not “secular history,” I see the AD70 event as an event that was indeed prophecy fulfilled. I just know that we all experience our version of what the Scriptures say is set aside for those who believe. I am comfortable in saying that I don’t have it all figured out. I am cool with living in the now and see where my Father is taking me.
Brian Lawrence

God breathed HIS life into you.

God gave Himself to this world as you. He did not breathe your life into you, He breathed into you His life. It is His breath you are breathing, It is His life as your life that you are living, it is His mind you are functioning with. Your body is the temple of the living God, so even the earth suit you walk around in is not yours. It is His. The more you surrender yourself that God may function as your mind, your soul, your life, your breath, your being, your body, the more Divine Grace will be expressed as you.
Don Keathley

Healing by transforming nature at quantum level


(1) An occult-like power to create one’s own reality through conscious intention coupled with positive affirmations
(2) An ongoing intimacy with one’s Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The masses are titillated by spiritual formulas. They, like Simon the magician (see the book of Acts), would pay dearly for the ‘power’ to exact ‘signs’ and ‘wonders’ through a pseudo-scientific ‘technique’ rather than take the time and effort to cultivate a righteous relationship with their Creator.

Healing by transforming nature at the quantum level
Healing by transforming nature at the quantum level

How deep is your love?

What is there that you wouldn’t do for Jesus?
What is there that you wouldn’t endure for Jesus?
What is there that you wouldn’t give up for Jesus?
What hardship would you not tolerate for Jesus?
What insults would you not forgive for Jesus?
If you’re not feeling transported into the realm of pure spiritual bliss, perhaps it’s because you’re tenaciously holding onto something from below 🙂

How deep is your love for Jesus?
How deep is your love for Jesus?