Beyond the Fourth Dimension The method complex algebra students use to construct, mathematically, a realm of four space dimensions can be used to build realms of virtually any number of dimensions. With five dimension-defining lines, each line at right angles to the other four, we can describe, in mathematical terms, a five-dimensional world. With six such lines, we can describe a six-dimensional realm. And so on. For each of these n-dimensional worlds we formulate geometrically, we can design algebraic expressions to describe what shapes, functions, and behaviors are possible for physical entities existing in those n dimensions.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Within and without!
[P]redating these physics discoveries by more than nineteen hundred years are the words of the prophets and apostles who penned the sixty-six books of the Bible. These ancient authors, under the inspiration of One who exists both in and beyond the universe and the universe’s ten space-time dimensions, described phenomena—such as the creation event, miracles, Jesus’post-resurrection capacities, as well as paradoxical doctrines—that require the existence of extra dimensions, or the functional equivalent of extra dimensions. These writers assured their readers that God’s ways and thoughts are beyond our human limits, but that “eternity,”some unknown reality beyond this universe, is somehow inscribed within us. Now we have the opportunity and the privilege to see from a new perspective—and to integrate—what yesterday’s Bible authors and today’s physicists affirm about reality beyond the cosmos.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Remembering Afaq
is very trying on any ‘normal’ person’s stamina!
Today it can be said that no theory of physics has ever been tested as rigorously and in so many different contexts as general relativity. The fact that general relativity has withstood all these tests implies that no basis remains for doubting the conclusions of the space-time theorems of general relativity. An Even More Powerful Theorem Many scientists were deeply troubled by the philosophical implication of the space-time theorems, specifically its indication that a causal Agent beyond space and time must have created our universe of matter, energy, space, and time. In an attempt to eliminate the need for a transcendent Creator several theorists proposed cosmic models without a space-time beginning. However, these models would not permit the existence of physical life. They typically negated the second law of thermodynamics. But without heat consistently flowing from hot to cold sources, as the second thermodynamic law demands, life molecules cannot be assembled nor can metabolic reactions proceed. Theoretical physicists Arvind Borde and Alexander Vilenkin spent ten years exploring the limits of the space-time theorems. Their research led them to discover powerful extensions to the theorems. These extensions established that regardless of the universe’s homogeneity, isotropy, uniformity, or lack thereof, and regardless of its energy conditions, the universe indeed must have had a beginning. Together with Alan Guth, they concluded that any cosmic model in which the universe expands (on average) can be traced back in finite time to an actual beginning, or creation, of space and time.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Choose Life
………. THE TIME IS NOW ……….
………. Dr. Robin Starbuck ……….
If you’re ever going to carry out your real wishes for your life you have got to put the Word of God uppermost in your life. Do not let others’ good intentions deter you from what you really need to do. What could be more important than doing the will of God for your life and finally realizing your full potential. If you are REALLY at one with God, you will have everything developed that should be developed and everything quelled that should be quelled. The time is now!! What more are you going to listen to and fight with before you throw up your hands and say “That’s it! I’m done!”? It’s too late for you to be used by the devil [Devil = Our Own Unwanted Thinking] anymore and not realize exactly what you’re doing – because you already know!! The Word of God can literally save the world. There is nothing that God cannot do. Do you really want to dedicate yourself – for another moment – to gleaning the riches of this world? Can you just for a moment consider the fact that anything that has happened in your life which has forced you to wake up has been nothing but a good thing? THERE IS NOTHING ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WAKING UP TO THE OMNIPOTENCE AND OMNIPRESENCE OF THE CREATOR OF THE ENDS OF THE EARTH AND BEYOND !! Do you really believe that you are the center of the world and that everything should serve you? Does that really make any sense at all – spiritual or otherwise?? God will empower you with a power beyond your fondest imagination – if you’ll only let Him. But…. But…. You know what? But nothing!! Have you found God’s grace? And are you going to use it to run after your former fleshly desires? If so, my friend, you haven’t a clue what the grace of God really means and you are being used by the other camp that says that you must live the rest of your days repenting, repenting, repenting! No, you must wake up and stay awake and don’t go off to the road of least resistance! It’s very tempting to believe that you can mix and mix and mix until you get the admixture that just fits your little personality. Don’t let the naysayers have their way! Don’t listen to the world of the flesh and you won’t get confused, so you won’t have anything to repent of! You need to take a stand for the Word of God and you need to do it for a prolonged period of time. Otherwise you’ll be like the sower in the Bible who:
“…These are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness; [17] And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended. [Mark 4:16-17 kjv]
Listening to God
A few seconds ago:
“Sweetheart, there is absolutely nothing that you need to do now – nothing whatsoever.
Furthermore, for whatever it’s worth,
I am so happy that you want to be with Me.
We have a lot to look forward to because you’ve indicated to Me that you especially love it when I put a desire on your heart.
You say it’s so cool because you know that moments previous I put the fulfillment of that desire in you.
And you said it’s such a joy to have a whole brand new desire
– such a joy to behold!”
Another look at “Zap the negatives!”
I have been having quite a dilemma over this post [below]. It was intended to help anyone break a rather hypnotic spell of thinking in a way that is not what they really want to be thinking. I, PERSONALLY, WOULD SIMPLY TURN TO JESUS AGAIN AND AGAIN. IN OTHER WORDS, I, PERSONALLY WOULD BYPASS THE UNNECESSARY STEP OF DISMISSING THE UNDESIRABLE THOUGHT : I WOULD FOCUS ON GOD UNTIL THE SPELL WAS BROKEN. But I didn’t delete what I previously wrote because I thought it might help some people – especially those suffering from severe illness. Sometimes a person just needs a little nudge – temporarily! But, I repeat that I would cut out that step.
O R I G I N A L .. P O S T
NEED HEALING ? Are you having a little trouble focusing only on Jesus?
When those unwanted thoughts come to your mind again and again, what single word will arrest them for you? When ‘resting in the Spirit’ seems to invite counter-intuitive veering off your chosen mental path, what can you zap them with? Here are a few choice words; can you think of any others?
. . . NO !!
. GET OUT !!
. SCRAM !!
. BEAT IT !!
. . . . HEY !!
. UNH-UH !!
. NOPE !!
Of course, the all-powerful method is to maintain one’s focus on Jesus — and that’s exactly what we’re doing here. The above word list is simply to dismiss self-defeating paths mid-sentence! The types of thoughts that we want arrested are those that would argue – in any way – against your healing.
A provocative question
Peter never discussed his past.
Paul never dwelt on his.
David turned away and became king.
Jesus never said, “I am the great I WAS.”
Joyce learned to channel all that abuse.
Why, then, do you live in the past?
On blaming
Are we finding weak points in everybody else’s spiritual dis-coveries?
Have we become alert to all the ways they don’t quite measure up?
Are they hearing God’s Word in non-standard, non-replicable, non-conformable ways?
Are we irritated and annoyed?
W – A – K – E – – – U – P – !!!
. . That’s all, just wake up!
Love includes all.
I ▪ L ♡ V E ▪ ALL ▪ YOUR ▪ CREATION !!
Let’s have healing now!
You are healed and whole and perfect right now. But you’ve got to quit ‘looking at’ the seeming evidence to the contrary. Look away from the body, the relationship, the poverty, the addiction! Look away! Look away! Look away! No excuses – we’re talking about healing.
What if you got so absorbed in the truth of what is really going on – so absorbed in it that that’s all there was? Is a symptom greater than God? I think not!!! Don’t go back to that dark place, mentally! Don’t do it!!! It’s not you anymore. Actually, it never was, but, hey, we’re going forward, right?
Let’s work on focus together right now – you and me, alright? Can you are yourself completely healed? Sure you can because, in fact, you are, so you need to walk it out, unwaveringly. See it. Take it. Feel the love. If you’re willing to stay, He will stay with you. And I will too. Here’s how: reread this and get really fanatical about it.
The old way is gone. The old life is gone; and now it’s time for you to get creative! You continue the writing (to yourself). Keep it 100% spiritual. God doesn’t want you flipping back and forth – ever again. Spend your new life with Him: that’s what Jesus came here for. Keep the talk going here. You can do it – I know you can!