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God’s dimensional advantage over us goes far beyond this one-dimensional difference. He can operate in at least the eleven dimensions established by the space-time theorems and string theory … and beyond. His capacity to maintain close and comprehensive contact with us —despite our incapacity to experience Him physically through our space-bound dimensions —becomes a comprehensible reality. We cannot begin to picture it, except perhaps by analogy, but it does make sense.
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Beyond the Cosmos – A helpful hint on Re-Viewing some scriptures
TO . B-E-L-I-E-V-E
. . . IS
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If you seek him, he will be found by you.44 Come near to God and he will come near to you.45 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.46 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.47 I [the Lord] live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit.48 Anyone who comes to him [God] must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.49
This last verse appears to state necessary conditions for finding Him—believing in His existence and in His desire to reward our search for Him. Another way to look at this verse is to focus on the promise it holds. This promise is that an earnest search for Him will always be rewarded and never disappointed.
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
Time and timelessness are on our side!
It’s wonderful to know that God is where we’re ultimately going and we will hang with him through all eternity because in fact we’re ALREADY THERE! SO, when the notion of timelessness becomes part of the deal and begins to sound esoteric, dull and meaningless, we can re-cognize that in God’s multi-dimensional realm, we can enjoy glories heretofore unknown.
And we get to do that forever in what we may now wistfully dub “multiple time dimensions”.
A time-collapsing, mind-boggling miracle!
Years ago I had a Bible reading project to do; all the passages were written down, so I went to a library of sorts to get started. The librarian said they were closing in a few minutes – and, sure enough, the clock confirmed it. I was so “into it” that I sat down and began my 30-45 minute reading. Next thing I knew the librarian was ushering me out the door. I thanked her profusely for having kept the place open late just for me. But she insisted that she didn’t and that I should look at the clock. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I had finished the entire reading project in less than five minutes! Time had collapsed – or expanded – in an inexplicable miracle!
Robin J. Starbuck
Jesus was non-local. John 3:13 says no man has seen God at any time except the Son of man which came down from heaven; which also is in heaven.
He was standing on the earth claiming to be in heaven at the same moment. The quantum field is the bridge between realms in the spirit. He also passed right through the crowds thatcwere trying to throw him from the cliff. Did he de-materialize and rematerialize?
Frank Hanks
Someday we’ll look
At our feeble attempts
To describe the infinite
Almighty God,
And smile.
Extra space dimensions
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Imagine the disciples’ amazement when Jesus came to them bodily, after being crucified, without opening the locked doors or windows of their hideout. Both Luke and John record the event: On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them. . . . They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.19 The disciples’shock arises not only from their inability to comprehend how Jesus could be alive and present but also from their knowledge that physical objects cannot pass through physical barriers without damage to either the object or the barrier. No wonder they concluded that Jesus must be a ghost! What they saw made no sense to them. Jesus responded to their perplexity by demonstrating His physicality. He invited their touch, confirming that He had the solidity of flesh and bones.20 He ate food from their table, further affirming His physical reality.21 The disciples could not know at that moment they had seen an example of what is possible for someone who has access to extra space dimensions or their equivalent.
~ Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
Beyond the Cosmos
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God has the capacity, thus, to move and operate along an infinitely long time line, or along as many time lines, infinite or otherwise, as He chooses. He can operate, if He desires, on a time line parallel to our time line or on one intersecting our time line, but He is not compelled to do either. Thus, God has the capacity to cause effects for infinite time on innumerable time lines that never intersect or touch our time line. As such, we could point to no beginning and no end for Him. Since beginnings only make sense where time is linear in some way, God must be a beginning-less Being. He has always existed and will always remain. He never required a causation, or creation, event.
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond the Cosmos
John 1:3 KJV
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Colossians 1:16-17 KJV
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: [17] And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
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When I tell my friends that I study physics, they move their heads from side to side, they shake their hands at the wrist, and they whistle, “Whew! That’s difficult.”This universal reaction to the word “physics”is a wall that stands between what physicists do and what most people think they do. There is usually a big difference between the two. Physicists themselves are partly to blame for this sad situation. Their shop talk sounds like advanced Greek, unless you are Greek or a physicist. When they are not talking to other physicists, physicists speak English. Ask them what they do, however, and they sound like the natives of Corfu again. On the other hand, part of the blame is ours. Generally speaking, we have given up trying to understand what physicists (and biologists, etc.) really do. In this we do ourselves a disservice. These people are engaged in extremely interesting adventures that are not that difficult to understand. True, how they do what they do sometimes entails a technical explanation which, if you are not an expert, can produce an involuntary deep sleep. What physicists do, however, is actually quite simple. They wonder what the universe is really made of, how it works, what we are doing in it, and where it is going, if it is going anyplace at all.
Dr. Gary Zukav, Ph.D.
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
I’m beginning to think that the insights we’re receiving by daring to expand our concepts of the Infinitude of God in this way ought to reach mankind more easily. Some of the mind-blowing images that we entertain clear the way for Jesus’ miracles to be understood and believed. We don’t need to keep bringing limited half-baked constructs to this limited realm but rather point to a dimension beyond what our mortal eyes and brains can grasp. We’re not explaining miracles a-w-a-y, we’re explaining them to be divinely natural. We’re learning that the realm in which God freely lives and moves is closer to us than our very breathing.
Framing dimensions according to laws of physics
The most consistent way, scientifically, to consider dimensions would be to frame them according to the behavior of the laws of physics. For example, the forces of electromagnetism and gravity permit stable orbits of electrons about atomic nuclei and planets about stars because they obey an inverse square law. This means a doubling of the distance between two masses reduces the gravitational tug they exert upon one another by two squared (or four times); a tripling, by three squared (or nine times): a quadrupling, by four squared (or sixteen times); and so on. To physicists, a three-dimensional spatial manifold is that realm where gravity and electromagnetism obey an inverse square law. In two spatial dimensions gravity and electromagnetism would follow an inverse law. In four spatial dimensions they would obey an inverse cube law; in five spatial dimensions, an inverse fourth-power law; and so on. One of the evidences examined in chapter 3 for the creation of ten space-time dimensions at the cosmic origin moment is the existence, at that time, of inverse eighth-power laws.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
Beyond statistics
… [T]he operation of general relativity guarantees a singular boundary not just for matter and energy but also for space and time. In other words, if general relativity accurately describes the dynamics (movements of matter and energy) of the universe, both the stuff that makes up the universe and the dimensions in which that stuff exists share a common origin, a finite beginning. Physicists call this finding the space-time theorem of general relativity, and it carries profound philosophical and theological significance. As it turns out, the theorem developed by George Ellis, Stephen Hawking, and Roger Penrose was simply the first of the space-time theorems. Its proof was developed in the context of classical general relativity. Since then theoretical physicists have produced a whole family of space-time theorems. These extensions of the first space-time theorem apply not only under the conditions of classical general relativity but also where general relativity is augmented by quantum mechanics, such as in the quantum gravity big bang models and/or by scalar fields, such as in the inflationary big bang models. In all these possible cosmic scenarios, the space-time theorems apply. Space and time had a beginning. Therefore, space and time must be created entities.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.