Dear You,
What would it take to get you to listen to Me ALL the time? A billion dollars? Or, take all your money away and throw you in prison? Or, something in between? If you EVER took the plunge and gave up ALL human pride, giving your-SELF over to Me, we could live a glorious life right here, right now, in a mansion or in a prison.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
We are indelibly linked to Jesus!
“Moses represented all of Israel, and went and met with God. He took the ten commandments of the law covenant and put them in the ark of the covenant, and then …put that ark in the taberacle, in the Holy of Holies. God’s Presence dwelled in that place. In the new covenant. God made a similar covenant with Jesus. This covenant is perfect. Jesus met with God and represented all of mankind. He took your heart, wrote on it God’s new covenant law of love, and put your heart and mind into the ark of the covenant in heaven, which is God’s throne, the mercy seat. You are so joined to Jesus in the new covenant, that nothing can break that. The only way would be to remove your heart from the ark, and God is sitting on that. Your trapped!”
David Duncan

Not in your strength
______ (by Dr. Robin Starbuck)
Moses knew that he was a Jew, in spite of Cecil B. de Mille’s rendition of “Moses”! (Exo. 1-4; Acts 7:20-25) He knew what his life purpose was from God – to lead his people, the Jews, out of the captivity of the Egyptians. But Moses, like a lot of us, sought to do the will of God in his own human strength. God had an entirely different plan in mind – that of carrying it out supernaturally. After all, why would God even think in such limiting terms?
When we ask God for something, let us think big – let’s imagine beyond human frailties. Moses thought he could use his position and power to carry out God’s plan. He even went so far as to kill a man in a display of his own natural strength. it was patently wrong minded, and he paid the price for it. Sometimes it’s hard for us to grasp the fact that God doesn’t need our “tooling around” as if we ourselves were the almighty. First, find God’s will; then find out what His plan is.
We have an awesome God. Let’s be a little bit awesome ourselves by putting everything in God’s hands. He is equal to every challenge and worthy of all the glory.