So many people think they are “defenders of the faith”, when really they are just reactionaries for their opinion.
Just sayin…
Have you ever studied outside of your own denomination? Do you look up words in Greek and Hebrew in their sentence context? Are you taking the time to study what the early church believed? Do you react by throwing scriptures at someone when they present you with a verse you don’t understand, thinking that is somehow going to influence them? Are you humble and teachable so that your denomination or favorite TV preacher isn’t replacing the Holy Spirit?
It is ok to be wrong. I have been often. But the need to be right should be replaced by the confidence that you are righteous. The fear of losing friends, church relationships, money or speaking engagements should be replaced with the confidence that God loves you. After all… theology IS the study of God not a business or system of religious ideas.
~ Chuck CriscoYou owe it to yourself to do your due diligence!
You can sharpen your ability to distinguish a very good fake from the genuine article.Over the years, my understanding of God, sin, humanity, and everything in between, has changed drastically.
Like most Westerners, I was born under the shadow of doctrines like original sin, through which it’s communicated to us that we carry around guilt like a genetic flaw. God’s perfect morality and impeccable ethical-ness, then, becomes our enemy. It’s an attribute of God that makes it impossible for him to have any attitude toward us but anger, wrath, and holy hatred, as our inherited guilt activates his sense of justice, and puts him at odds with us.
Because I took my Christianity very seriously, this idea haunted me like a vengeful specter. I could never get away from the feeling that I was unworthy of divine love, and lived in constant crippling fear of death, because hell awaited the guilty, of whom I saw myself as being chief. The only way, in this inherited view, to find peace with God was to trust in Jesus as being a sacrifice that satisfied in God what I never could, and because of the immensity and intensity of the fear and guilt I was shouldering, this idea, as absurd as it actually is in light of who Jesus proclaimed Abba to be, was very, very attractive.
So, eventually, I was able to exorcise the vengeful specter of original sin and an angry God by believing Jesus had satisfied this God’s anger as it concerned my guilt, and for years I preached and taught this as being the Gospel.
However, as time passed, I came to see that the problem never really had anything to do with an inherited guilt passed on to me by my naked, garden-expelled, primordial parents. God was never angry at humanity as a whole for the sins of the figures of Adam and Eve, and Jesus did not die to satisfy the debt that they incurred and passed on to the rest of us. This was nothing more than an anachronism, read into the Gospel story by Christians who had had centuries to think on and develop the doctrine of original sin as well as a violent atonement that fixed the problem.
However, while the original problem I perceived was never actually a problem, it still was a problem to me, because I was born into a religious worldview that had made it one. So, regardless of the fact that this problem was actually a non-problem, it was still a problem in my mind that was only undone by an unnecessary theology and doctrine of salvation, that existed only to remedy an imagined problem. Even though that particular understanding of salvation was not ever a true or necessary thing from God’s perspective, it was, in a sense, necessary for me so that I could overcome the man made problem of original sin.
So, in my experience, an imagined, and ultimately unnecessary understanding of sin was cured by an equally imagined, and unnecessary concept of salvation. Both were human ideas, and one was dreamed up in order to solve the other.
While I no longer hold to either of those views, because I was born into the former, it was almost necessary that I pass through the latter in order to be able to overcome it. I was born into that view without my consent, and was held captive by it until something was able to get me thinking differently. In my case, it was a problematic solution to a nonexistent problem that did the job.
This is the strange way that I think God sometimes allows bad theology to cure bad theology. I would never have been able to understand God as I do now, that is, in the way that I presently believe Jesus revealed him, had I not first had my false understanding of sin cured by an equally false understanding of salvation. Once the latter had cured the former, I could be liberated from the latter as well.
I know this all sounds a little bit complicated, but it’s how things worked in my life. I needed the bad to cure the bad, and on the other side of experiencing that cure, false though it was, I was able to recognize both as ultimately unnecessary.
I bring this up only to say that I must constantly remind myself that I did not come to hold my present beliefs overnight, but had to pass through a lot of stuff first. Some of the very things that helped to heal me up and get me into a healthier frame of my mind are things I’ve now even come to see as being unhealthy, but necessary to my own healing process. I must remind myself of this because some are still in that process (and I’m sure I am too) and I cannot allow myself to deprive them of the grace I was and am continually given as it concerns my faith journey. People have to be allowed to have their own journeys, which means that I will rarely ever be in agreement with everyone, because, while we’re all walking the same road, we’re all at very different places on that road.
I (we) must allow people the freedom to experience freedom the same way we did, which was/is in installments and small fragments. Eventually, we’ll end up at the same place, but until we get there, we’ll always think where we are is the best place.
As a young child (about 5 years old) I once became very, very sick. I was doubled over in pain so I lay on my bed pondering the discrepancy. The Sunday School teacher had said that God created me in His image and likeness, but could God have a tummy ache? In spite of excruciating pain, I began to try to sit up. The pain got much, much worse, but I persevered and when I got to an upright position, all the pain had vanished! I knew then that I had a special relationship with my Lord and Savior.Starting young
All that we see
Or seem
Is a dream within
A dream.
(Edgar Allen Poe)
The entirety of the material world is infinitely less deterministic, less ominous and less fearsome than it seems. Infinitely. We are intended to take charge of it as our inherited right. But we’ve got to make that quantum leap mentally, emotionally and spiritually to attain the non-linear, non-material, non-aggressive realm of God. Let go of all materialistic striving. Sink deeply into Spirit and you will soar with the angels. Just remember that the “dream” is what we’re letting go of: it’s the unreal. Come out of the dream
John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
1 Peter 1:23
having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. You have more power than you can possibly imagine.
Do you ever find a great
big smile come to your face?
For no reason whatsoever?
You want to laugh
or cry tears of joy
or sing or shout?
That’s your awareness of Jesus
inside you, happy as a lark!
Do you ever feel like you
should criticize and condemn
another person for any reason?
THAT’S religion. It’s an amazing journey!
EXCITING NEWS !! . Joseph Prince has become fascinated with Quantum Physics and its ramifications, especially the known fact that an atom reacts to a person’s merely looking at it!
Creflo is now distinguishing between the significance of events in the New Testament leading up to the cross and the New Covenant which took place after (or at) the cross.
Guys, they’re watching and reading us! Can’t we show them that we’re not at odds with each other, that we all learn from each other and are not ashamed to acknowledge it? In short, we’re all accountable to the glory of God.
Most important of all, words like “That’s what I’ve been saying for a long time!” or other variants of “I told you so!” should be banned from the lips and pen of any sincere seeker of truth. That attitude is such a buzz-kill to people who are already reluctant to explore new territory. Let’s not scare off potential inductees to the ever-unfolding kingdom. We’re fast moving out of such a confining paradigm.
● WE HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN US.We know him better now!
There was one perfect person for the job …
The job involved letting another future saint
seemingly dump on you?
misuse you?
even abuse you?
And it really did hurt?
Until pride got kicked out?
Jealousy too?
on your stuff?
Shouldn’t he be brought to his knees?
And not you?
But you keep trusting God,
And, strangely enough,
In spite of all that’s been done to you,
You’re victorious!
You have soaked up into the flesh…
All that wrong activity
And, like Jesus, dissolved it all
Into its native nothingness.
God bless you! Can you be used by God to absorb and destroy that which never should have been?
Imagine a mind completely healed!Can you imagine your own mind . . . completely free, completely healed? No more hateful thoughts! At all! No more battles in your mind – just pure love! CAN YOU IMAGINE?
I don’t ever want to get preachy – like I know it all – coz I don’t! But I can say this without reservation:
▪ Go deeper
▪ Stay longer
▪ Think ONLY of Jesus
▪ Let Him talk to you
…. Help yourself to hear Him by starting the sentence (from God): “Now (your name), what I’ve been wanting to tell you is _______________ .”
▪ Ignore ALL dastardly distractions
▪ Listen to God more
▪ And more
▪ Help yourself to hear Him more clearly
▪ And
▪ more!