Baptism is another issue that invites much unnecessary debate. It is a ritual that had its purpose and function before the cross. John Crowder’s* insight lends much needed elucidation:
The “baptism” of the Spirit is not a separate thing where first you only had Jesus, and now you get the Spirit. It just means to get dunked, immersed or have your senses tangibly “filled” or flooded with the Spirit Whom you had all along. After all, He is the “Spirit of Jesus.” Col. 2:10 says “By your union with Christ you are filled with the Godhead” … that means you already have the Spirit … you even have the Father in you too! So “infilling” is not a “second work,” rather it’s about a continual enjoyment – a daily dunking – and experience of the Spirit we already have. Not a one-time or two-time event, but Paul says, “Be ye continually filled …” Eph. 5:18. It’s an abiding relationship – He remains in you.
So, in trying to decide whether or not to undergo baptism, bear in mind that the fear-mongers have no place in this decision. Thankfully, we don’t “need” a ritualistic, public dunking to get us into the Holy Spirit. We have it in spades already on the inside of ourselves!
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* JOHN CROWDER – John loves to push the envelope and provoke God’s people to extreme joy! He is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and advocate of supernatural Christianity. John is on the forefront of a fresh renewal movement marked by ecstatic experience, miracles and recovering the foundational preaching of the cross of grace.