I don’t put too much stock in turning my issue(s) over to another person to pray over. Instead, I believe that I need to be willing to take an active part in bringing about my much-needed awakening.
I am, however, extremely thankful to know (from many years’ experience) that there’s a great deal I can do to rouse myself from my own self-inflicted stupor!
Far too many arguments fly around that damn and criticize other people’s prayer methodologies when a much more effective and efficient stance to assume is “hey, whatever works!” The bottom line is that the patient (yourself, for example) needs to be awakened.
Awakened to the antipode of what he has been clinging to! God is right here. Now. Instead of the pain, poverty, disability. I know you think you can’t see that now, but you can. Flood your precious God-given mind with images of Him and His love. Do not … do not … DO NOT … give that other thing (the devil) any space whatsoever.
When I said “flood your mind with…” I should have said “Open your mind to God alone and let HIM flood it for you!” He loves to do that because, as you know, He IS Love and He loves you. [Oh, and BTW, I love you, too!]
And, because it’s true that our bodies are divinely designed to heal themselves, we can feel very much encouraged to pray accordingly – and expect great results – even if we’ve been confined to a wheelchair for 20+ years, have the flu, cancer, aids, poverty, etc., there is healing in God.
We need to be aware that this healing power is within us. I wrote the above with some people in mind who need help and don’t realize that – even the very help they’re looking for is within them. Let’s understand that, while there is nothing we can or should do to get God’s attention and beg for favor, there is a great deal that we can and should do to align our own thinking with the Mind of God.